Eduard Hála Laboratory of Separation Processes
Department number:
Head of Department:
Izák Pavel
Suchdol Annual Reports for Eduard Hála Laboratory of Separation Processes
Annual Reports for Department of Separation Processes
Annual Reports for the former E. Hála Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Laboratory of Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Group of Chemical Thermodynamics
Micro Flow Innovation Center (MFIC)
History of the Research Projects
Research projects:
- Process Intensification through Adaptable Catalytic Reactors made by 3D Printing (PRINTCR3DIT) , H2020 , Stavárek Petr
- Consulting work in the implementation of clean biogas to natural gas quality , Contract Research , Izák Pavel
- Separation of volatile organic vapours from the air at petrol central storage , Contract Research , Izák Pavel
- Thermodynamics of polymer solutions: experiments meet theory and vice versa , GACR , Wichterle Ivan
- Enrichment of raw biogas by methane , MŠMT , Izák Pavel
- Supported ionic liquid membrane for separation of volatile organic compounds and pollutants from flue gases , MŠMT , Izák Pavel
- Evaluating the application potential of chiral ionic liquids: structure and basic thermophysical properties , MŠMT , Bendová Magdalena
- From task-specific solvents to energy storage. Thermodynamics of ionic liquids at the service of their applications , MŠMT , Bendová Magdalena
- Morphology evolution of nano- and micro-cellular polymeric foams , GACR , Sovová Helena
- Permeation of condensable gases trough asymmetric membranes , MŠMT , Řezníčková Jiřina
- Preparation and characterization of mixed matrix membrane for gas separation , CAS , Uchytil Petr
- Separation of polar and non-polar gasses by membrane processes , GACR , Izák Pavel
- Unconventional preparation of nanostructured metal oxides by using pressurized and supercritical fluids , GACR , Sajfrtová Marie
- IUPAC Analytical Division Subcomittee on Solubility and Equilibrium Data , MŠMT , Bendová Magdalena
- Application of microreactors for gas phase catalytic processes , Contract Research , Stavárek Petr
- Development of advanced separation methods for liquid-liquid systems , Contract Research , Stavárek Petr
- Membrane separation – the more effective separation of a pure enantiomer from a racemic mixture , GACR , Izák Pavel
Senior ScientistHead of Department
- Ing. Izák Pavel, Ph.D., DSc.
Deputy Head of Department
- Ing. Setničková Kateřina, Ph.D.
Researcher emeritus
- Ing. Bogdanić Grozdana, DrSc.
- prof. Ing. Hanika Jiří, DrSc.
- Ing. Linek Jan, CSc.
- Ing. Staněk Vladimír, DrSc.
- Ing. Wichterle Ivan, DrSc.
Senior Scientist
- Ing. Aim Karel, CSc.
- Ing. Sovová Helena, CSc.
- Ing. Bendová Magdalena, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jiřičný Vladimír, CSc.
- Ing. Křišťál Jiří, Ph.D.
- Ing. Levdanski Valeri, DrSc.
- Ing. Pavlíček Jan, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Procházka Karel, DrSc.
- Ing. Rousková Milena, Ph.D.
- Ing. Sajfrtová Marie, Ph.D.
- Ing. Sedláková Zuzana, Ph.D.
- Ing. Stavárek Petr, Ph.D.
- Ing. Uchytil Petr, CSc.
- Ing. Wagner Zdeněk, CSc.
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Ing. Hejda Stanislav, Ph.D.
- Ing. Kačírková Marie,Ph.D.
- Ing. Kárászová Magda, Ph.D.
- Ing. Řezníčková Jiřina, Ph.D.
- Ing. Vajglová Zuzana, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Student
- Čanji Maja, MSc.
- Ing. Cerhová Marie
- Ing. Červenka Vojtěch
- Ing. Machalová Zdeňka
- Ing. Rotrekl Jan
- Ing. Topiař Martin
- Ing. Žák Michael
Research Assistant
- Ing. Andresová Adéla
- Ing. Morávková Lenka
- Ing. Petričkovič Roman
- Ujčić Massimo, MSc.
- Ing. Vychodilová Hana, CSc.
- Bc. Vychodilová Anna
- Ing. Žitková Andrea