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Interactions between Algebra and Functional Analysis

The aim of this workshop is to bring together people who work in various areas of algebra, logic, and functional analysis, where similar tools and methods are used.
Date: 28.9.–2.10.2016

Venue: Institute of Mathematics CAS
Organizers: W. Kubiś (chair), M. Fabian, J. Kąkol, K. Kuhlmann, V. Müller
During the workshop, on Thursday 29 September, the Vice-president of the Czech Academy of Sciences Dr. J. Šafanda will award M. Fabian and V. Müller the Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in Mathematical Sciences.

Dvě aplikace matematiky v praxi

Interdisciplinary seminar organized in frames of the Strategy AV21 and devoted to collaboration between academia and the industrial sphere.
Date: 14.9.2016
Venue: Institute of Mathematics CAS
Organizers: P. Krejčí, Š. Nečasová, J. Rákosník


Cosmology on Small Scales 2016: Local Hubble Expansion and Selected Controversies in Cosmology

This meeting gathers specialists from different disciplines, ranging from planetology to galaxy evolution, to discuss the problem of local cosmological influences from various points of view, both theoretical and observational.
Conference topics: Mathematical aspects of small-scale cosmological effects, Probable evidence of the cosmological expansion, Dark-matter and Dark-energy modeling errors
Date: September 21-24, 2016
Venue: Institute of Mathematics CAS in Prague
Organizers: Michal Křížek (Chair), Yurii Dumin (Vice-Chair), Tomáš Vejchodský, Hana Bílková

CSASC 2016

CSASC is a joint meeting of the Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovak and Catalan mathematical societies which started in Prague in 2010 out of former bilateral meetings of the Czech and Catalan societies, and was held in Krems (Austria) in 2011 and Koper (Slovenia) in 2013. This fourth edition in Barcelona displays the continuing lively relationship among the mathematicians from the five societies within the network of multilateral meetings in the EMS.
Venue: Barcelona, 20–23 September 2016
Organizer: Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques

Bernard Bolzano Medals for Marián Fabian and Vladimír Müller

Marián Fabian and Vladimír Müller, the leading members of the Department of Topology and Functional Analysis have been awarded the Honorary Bernard Bolzano Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences. The medals were presented by the Vice-President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Dr. Jan Šafanda on 29 September 2016 during the international workshop Interactions between Algebra and Functional Analysis.

Cena za pozoruhodnou výzkumně zaměřenou publikaci

Monografie Oborové didaktivy: vývoj – stav – perspektivy získala cenu za pozoruhodnou výzkumně zaměřenou publikaci. Autorský kolektiv vedli Iva Stuchlíková a Tomáš Janík a jeho členkou byla i Mgr. Marie Tichá, CSc., vedoucí Kabinetu pro didaktiku matematiky Matematického ústavu AV ČR. Cenu uděluje Česká asociace pedagogického výzkumu. Předal ji její předseda doc. Mgr. Petr Novotný, Ph.D., na 24. výroční konferenci, která se konala ve dnech 15.–16. 9. 2016 na Pedagogické fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích.

Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR | Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics CAS

Tradiční Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR jsou součástí Týdne vědy a techniky Akademie věd ČR, nejrozsáhlejšího vědeckého festivalu v ČR pořádaného Akademií věd ČR ve spolupráci s dalšími institucemi ve dnech 1.–13. listopadu 2016. Široká veřejnost a především studenti středních škol mají možnost nahlédnout do pracoven, laboratoří a knihoven a poznat, jak se dělá věda. Badatelé z výzkumných pracovišť AV ČR připravují širokou nabídku exkurzí, přednášek, výstav a diskusních večerů, ve kterých představí své výzkumné projekty, předvedou nejmodernější vědecké přístroje a experimenty a přiblíží návštěvníkům nejnovější trendy v oblasti vědy. V Matematickém ústavu AV ČR se Dny otevřených dveří uskuteční na pražském pracovišti ve dnech 1.–4. listopadu 2016, v brněnské pobočce 9. listopadu 2016.
Traditional Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics CAS will be held as part of the Week of Science and Technology, the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with other institutions from 1st to 13th November 2016. The scientists from the research workplaces of the Academy of Sciences prepare a wide offer of lectures, presentations, panel discussions, seminars, excursions, exhibitions and discussion evenings, in which they present their research projects, the most modern scientific apparatuses and outline the latest trends in the areas of science in the Czech Republic and the world. The Prague departments in the Institute of Mathematics will be open to public from 1st to 4th November 2016, the Brno branch on 9th November 2016.
  Nabídka přednášek v MÚ AV ČR | Lectures offered in the Institute of Mathematics
  Aktuální program přednášek | Actual list of lectures

Dr. Emil Vitásek passed away

With a deep sorrow we inform that our colleague Dr. Emil Vitásek passed away on 28 August 2016 at the age of 85 years. Dr. Vitásek, a renown specialist in numerical mathematics, was one of those who connected their whole professional life with the Institute of Mathematics. He used to come regularly to the institute even many years after his retirement, taking part in the Seminar on Current Problems in Numerical Analysis and serving his colleagues in the Committee for Employee Care.
May he rest in peace.
  Funeral card

Twelve prizes awarded at the 7th European Congress of Mathematics

During the opening ceremony of the 7th European Congress of Mathematics in Berlin, 12 prizes were awarded to outstanding mathematicians.
The 10 EMS prizes went to Sara Zahedi (KTH, Sweden), Mark Bravermann (Princeton University, USA), Vincent Calvez (ENS Lyon, France), Guido De Philippis (SISSA Trieste, Italy), Peter Scholze (University of Bonn, Germany), Peter Varjú (University of Cambridge, UK), Thomas Willwacher (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), James Maynard (Magdalen College Oxford, UK), Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHÉS, France), Geordie Williamson (MPI Bonn, Germany).
The Felix Klein Prize was awarded to Patrice Hauret (Michelin, France), and the Otto Neugebauer Prize went to Jeremy Gray (Open University, UK).
  About prizes and laureates

Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers goes to Jan Hladký

President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prof. Jiří Drahoš awarded the Otto Wichterle Award for young researchers to Dr. Jan Hladký, member of the Department of Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. The award has been established in 2002 to encourage and support young promising researchers in institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is connected with a financial premium in the subsequent three years. Jan Hladký is one of 21 laureates this year.

Emil Jeřábek received the Neuron Award for Promising Young Scientists

The Neuron Fund for Support of Science awarded Dr. Emil Jeřábek of the Department of Mathematical Logic and Theoretical computer Science the Neuron Award for Promising Young Scientists. The award is designated to acknowledge Czech scientists under the age of 40, who have achieved excellent scientific results, and to recognise their activities and promote their future progress.
  Neuron flyer
  Hospodářské noviny

Jarní exkurze do světa vědy v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR | Spring Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics CAS

Jarní exkurze do světa vědy v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR jsou součástí Týdne vědy a techniky Akademie věd ČR, nejrozsáhlejšího vědeckého festivalu v České republice pořádaného Akademií věd ČR ve spolupráci s dalšími institucemi ve dnech 2. května - 30. června 2016. Široká veřejnost a především studenti středních škol mají možnost vyslechnout několik přednášek proslovených našimi předními odborníky na daná témata. Seznam nabízených přednášek najdete zde.

Spring Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics CAS will be held as part of the Week of Science and Technology, the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences from 2nd May to 30th June 2016. Programme containing the list of lectures could be found  here .
  Nabídka přednášek | List of lectures (Czech only)

Open consultation on Mathematics for Horizon 2020 next Work Programme

The European Commission is gathering ideas on Mathematics for Excellence in Science in Horizon 2020 to inform the future work programme with innovative mathematical content. The potential of mathematics was already explored in a very successful online consultation which provided excellent food for thought for a workshop held in November 2014. The conclusions of that workshop were collected in a report.
The present consultation open to all mathematicians till 30 April offers an important chance to support the creation of a so far missing niche for mathematical research in the future work programmes in Horizon 2020.
  Final report

Eduard Feireisl received the Neuron Award for Contribution to Science 2015

Professor Eduard Feireisl received the prestigious Neuron Award for Contribution to Science awarded on 1st December 2015 by the Neuron Foundation for Support of Science. He is a worldwide renown specialist in mathematical theory of fluid dynamics whose expertise has been credited by the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant MATHEF. We are proud that after Miroslav Fiedler and Ivo Babuška this is already the third Neuron Award for a researcher who is or used to be member of the Institute of Mathematics CAS.

Photograph by Lukáš Bíba

Prof. Miroslav Fiedler passed away

With a deep sorrow we inform that Professor Miroslav Fiedler, researcher emeritus in the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic and Honorary Member of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists passed away peacefully at his home in the morning of 20th November 2015.
Below is a link to the Memorial page with contributions of friends and colleagues. Further contributions are welcome. They should be sent to the address
  Funeral card
  Memorial page

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