Publications in 2016
- Levakova M, Tamborrino M, Kostal L, Lansky P: Presynaptic spontaneous activity enhances the accuracy of latency coding, Neural Computation, to appear.
- Kostal L, Shinomoto S: Efficient information transfer by Poisson neurons, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13: 509-520, 2016.
- Kortus S, Srinivasan C, Forostyak O, Ueta Y, Sykova E, Chvatal A, Zapotocky M, Verkhratsky A, Dayanithi G: Physiology of spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in the isolated vasopressin and oxytocin neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus, Cell Calcium, 59: 289-298.
- Forostyak O, Forostyak S, Kortus S, Sykova E, Verkhratsky A, Dayanithi G: Physiology of Ca2+ signalling in stem cells of different origins and differentiation stages, Cell Calcium, 59: 57-66.
- Kortus S, Srinivasan C, Forostyak O, Zapotocky M, Ueta Y, Sykova E, Chvatal A, Verkhratsky A, Dayanithi G: Sodium-calcium exchanger and R-type Ca2+ channels mediate spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus , Cell Calcium, 59: 280-288.
- Lansky P, Sacerdote L, Zucca C: The Gamma renewal process as an output of the diffusion leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model, Biological Cybernetics, 110: 193-200, 2016.
- Kostal L, Stimulus reference frame and neural coding precision, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 71: 22-27, 2016.
- Kostal L, Lansky P: Coding accuracy on the psychophysical scale, Scientific Reports, 6: 23810, 2016.
Publications in 2015
- Kostal L, Kobayashi R: Optimal decoding and information transmission in Hodgkin-Huxley neurons under metabolic cost constraints, BioSystems, 136: 3-10, 2015.
- Cupera J, Lansky P, Sklubalova Z: Sampling times influence the estimate of parameters in the Weibull dissolution model, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 78: 171-176, 2015.
- Aquino G, Zapotocky M: Information transfer through a signaling module with feedback: A perturbative approach, BioSystems, 136: 66-72, 2015.
- Vyklicky V, Krausova B, Cerny J, Balik A, Zapotocky M, Novotny M, Lichnerova K, Smejkalova T, Kaniakova M, Korinek M, Petrovic M, Kacer P, Horak M, Chodounska H, Vyklicky L: Block of NMDA receptor channels by endogenous neurosteroids: implications for the agonist induced conformational states of the channel vestibule, Scientific Reports, 5:10935, 2015.
- Tamborrino M, Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: Parameter Inference from Hitting Times for Perturbed Brownian Motion, Lifetime Data Analysis, 21:331–352, 2015.
- Wan I, Pokora O, Chiu T, Lansky P, Poon PWF: Altered intensity coding in the salicylate-overdose animal model of tinnitus, BioSystems, 136: 113-119, 2015.
- Pilarski S, Pokora O: On the Cramér-Rao bound applicability and the role of Fisher information in computational neuroscience, BioSystems, 136: 11-22, 2015.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, Pilarski S: Performance breakdown in optimal stimulus decoding, Journal of Neural Engineering, 12, 036012, 2015.
- Kostal L, Lansky P: Coding accuracy is not fully determined by the neuronal model, Neural Computation, 27, 1051-1057, 2015.
- Rajdl K, Lansky P: Stein's neuronal model with pooled renewal input. Biological Cybernetics, 109: 389-399, 2015.
- Kobayashi R, He J, Lansky P: Estimation of the synaptic input firing rates and characterization of the stimulation effects in an auditory neuron, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 9: 59, 2015.
- Levakova M, Tamborrino M, Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: A review of the methods for neuronal response latency estimation, BioSystems, 136: 23-34, 2015.
- Chakraborty S, Bartussek J, Fry SN, Zapotocky M: Independently controlled wing stroke patterns in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0116813, 2015.
- Rajdl K, Lansky P: Shot-noise Fano factor, Physical Review E, 92: 052135, 2015.
Publications in 2014
- Lansky P, Polito F, Sacerdote L: The role of detachment of in-links in scale-free networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 37, 345002, 2014.
- Levakova M, Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: Estimating latency from inhibitory input, Biological Cybernetics, 108, 475-493, 2014.
- Rajdl K, Lansky P: Fano factor estimation, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11, 105-123, 2014.
- Cupera J: Diffusion approximation of neuronal models revisited, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11, 11-25, 2014.
- Koyama S, Kostal L: The effect of interspike interval statistics on the information gain under the rate coding hypothesis, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11, 63-80, 2014.
Publications in 2013
- Bartussek J, Mutlu AK, Zapotocky M, Fry SN: Limit-cycle-based control of the myogenic wingbeat rhythm in the fruit fly Drosophila, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10, 20121013, 2013.
- Kobayashi R, Namiki S, Kanzaki R, Kitano K, Nishikawa I, Lansky P: Population coding is essential for rapid information processing in the moth antennal lobe, Brain Research, 1536, 88-96, 2013.
- Rospars JP, Sanda P, Lansky P, Duchamp-Viret P: Responses of single neurons and neuronal ensembles in frog first- and second-order olfactory neurons, Brain Research, 1536, 144-158, 2013.
- Cupera J, Lansky P: On the estimate of the rate constant in the homogeneous dissolution model, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 39, 1555-1561, 2013.
- Tamborrino M, Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: Parametric inference of neuronal response latency in presence of a background signal, BioSystems, 112, 249-257, 2013.
- Kostal L, Lansky P: Information capacity and its approximations under metabolic cost in a simple homogeneous population of neurons, BioSystems, 112, 265-275, 2013.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, McDonnell MD: Metabolic cost of neuronal information in an empirical stimulus-response model, Biological Cybernetics, 107, 355-365, 2013.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, Pokora O: Measures of statistical dispersion based on Shannon and Fisher information concepts, Information Sciences, 235, 214-223, 2013.
Publications in 2012
- Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: Only through perturbation can relaxation times be estimated, Physical Review E, 86, 050102, 2012.
- Tamborrino M, Ditlevsen S, Lansky P: Identification of noisy response latency, Physical Review E, 86, 021128, 2012.
- Sanda P, Marsalek P: Stochastic Interpolation Model of the Medial Superior Olive Neural Circuit, Brain Research, 24, 257-265, 2012.
- Pokora O, Lansky P: Estimating individual firing frequencies in a multiple spike train record, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 211, 191–202, 2012.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, Pokora O: How regular is neuronal activity?, ESANN 2012: The 20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bruges, 495-500, 2012.
- Kostal L, Pokora O: Nonparametric estimation of information-based measures of statistical dispersion, Entropy, 14, 1221–1233, 2012.
- Kostal L: Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire neuron using the temporal code, Brain Research, 1434, 136-141, 2012.
Publications in 2011
- Lansky P, Pawlas Z: Distribution of interspike intervals estimated from multiple spike trains observed in a short time window, Physical Review E, 83, 011910, 2011.
- Lansky P, Ditlevsen S: Firing Variability Is Higher than Deduced from the Empirical Coefficient of Variation, Neural Computation, 23, 1944-1966, 2011.
- Kobayashi R, Tsubo Y, Lansky P, Shinomoto S: Estimating time-varying input signals and ion channel states from a single voltage trace of a neuron. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 2011.
- Chaudhuri D, Borowski P, Zapotocky M: Model of fasciculation and sorting in mixed populations of axons, Physical Review E, 84, 021908, 2011.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, Pokora O: Variability measures of positive random variables, PLoS ONE, 6, e21998, 2011.
- Kobayashi R, Shinomoto S, Lansky P: Estimation of time-dependent input from neuronal membrane potential, Neural Computation, 23, 3070-3093, 2011.
- Cupera J, Lansky P: Homogeneous diffusion layer model of dissolution incorporating the initial transient phase, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1, 35-42, 2011.
Publications in 2010
- Lansky P, Sanda P, He J: Effect of stimulation on the input parameters of stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model. Journal of Physiology - Paris 104 (2010) 160–166.
- Bibbona E, Lansky P, Sirovich R: Estimating input parameters from intracellular recordings in the Feller neuronal model. Physical Review E, 78: Art. No. 031916, 2010.
- Pawlas Z, Klebanov LB, Benes, V., Prokesova M, Popelar J., Lansky P: First-spike latency in the presence of spontaneous activity. Neural Computation, 22: 1675-1697, 2010.
- Kostal L, Lansky P, Information transfer for small-amplitude signals, Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 81, 050901, 2010.
- Kostal L, Marsalek P, Neuronal jitter: can we measure the spike timing dispersion differently? Chinese Journal of Physiology, 53 (2010) 454-464.
- Kostal L, Information capacity in the weak-signal approximation, Physical Review E, 82, 026115, 2010.
- Cupera J, Lansky P: Random Effects in Drug Dissolution, European journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2010, 928-987