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Commercialization of R & D programs in applied research, experimental development and innovation GAMA

Project TG01010135 „Commercialization of R & D IEM AS CR v.v.i.“ it is financially supported by TAČR.

Time of project: July 2014 – June 2019.


Program: TG – Program in applied research, experimental development and innovation GAMA

Subprogram: 1 – Subprogram 1 „Proof – of – concept“

Project number: TG 01010135

Time of project: July 2014 – June 2019

Financial support: 17 855 000 CZK



Project team:
• Ing. Jan Prokšík, Mgr. Gabriela Hlaváčová, manažeři projektu
• Ing. Petr Bažant, CSc., MBA, člen manažerského týmu projektu – komercializace



From 2014-2019 the Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM), AS CR, v.v.i., has initiated the project GAMA, which focuses on the commercialization of R & D programs in applied research, experimental development and innovation – it is financially supported by TAČR (TG01010135). The project is divided into several sub-projects and concentrates on bridging the critical phases of the innovation cycle – bringing applied research and experimental development products to successful market positions. At this stage the IEM does not possess the finances and resources necessary to support other activities. Furthermore, starting spin-off companies would not provide the necessary reserves and are of high risk for investors. GAMA is a sustainable project that is based on the principle that with good professional design one can successfully commercialize R & D knowledge to generate sufficient profits to further finance ten unsuccessful subprojects.

1 Jul 2014