The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

The International Symposium on Fusion Technology for the first time in Prague

The 29th edition of the Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016) will be held in Prague, from the 5th to 9th of September 2016 in the Prague Congress Centre.

The event is organized jointly by the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Research Centre Řež, two main institutes engaged in the research of thermonuclear fusion and fusion technologies in the Czech Republic. „ The biennial Symposium on Fusion Technology is the leading conference in this field in Europe. It regularly attracts more than 1000 scientists, engineers, industry representatives and exhibitors from all over the world and focuses on the latest developments on running and planned fusion experiments“, said Dr. Radomír Pánek, the Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics.
On the 5th of September, this major international meeting for experts in the field of thermonuclear fusion SOFT 2016 was officially opened. The conference is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and will last until Friday, the 9th of September.
The international meeting is dedicated to the latest findings, results and future plans in the area of technologies for thermonuclear fusion. The meeting session was opened by the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prof. Jiří Drahoš, who recalled that " global cooperation and dialogue is a prerequisite for successful development of energy sources based on the principle of thermonuclear fusion." He also stressed the importance of the training of a new generation of researchers.  Training is also one of the objectives of the Strategy AV21, in this case, of its programme "Systems for Nuclear Power industry" coordinated by the Institute of Plasma Physics. Opening speeches have been given also by the Deputy Minister Prof. Stanislav Štech (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) and by Director General of the ITER Organization (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) Prof. Bernard Bigot. At this occasion, Mr. Bigot gave a talk for the TV show “ Hyde Park Civilization” (Czech Television).
During the first day of the conference, the SOFT Innovation Prize 2016 was awarded. EURATOM Fusion Energy Department started awarding this prize in 2014, at each edition of the Symposium on Fusion Technology. The objective of the prize is to reward outstanding researchers and engineers who try to find new solutions to the huge challenges of fusion. The prize is one of the elements of the Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for research and training (EURATOM), established for the period 2014 to 2018 and complementing Horizon 2020 (the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation).
More information and the detailed programme are available on the conference website SOFT 2016 (
The main topics of the conference are:
  • Experimental Fusion Devices and Supporting Facilities
  • Plasma Heating and Current Drive
  • Plasma Engineering and Control
  • Diagnostics, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation
  • Magnets and Power Supplies
  • Plasma Facing Components
  • Vessel/In-Vessel Engineering and Remote Handling
  • Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
  • Materials Technology
  • Power Plants Safety and Environment, Socio-Economics and Technology Transfer
  • Laser and Accelerator Technologies

Strategie AV21 Prof. Jiří Drahoš, the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Strategie AV21 Prof. Bernard Bigot, Director General of ITER

Strategie AV21 Dr. Radomír Pánek, the Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics

Strategie AV21 SOFT 2016

Strategie AV21 SOFT Prize 2016

Strategie AV21 SOFT Prize 2016



















































Photos: IPP.

5 Sep 2016