The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR


The main objective of the Fusion Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) is the development of models and the design, operation and scientific exploitation of experimental facilities which may allow the construction of fusion power plants that shall produce electric energy from nuclear reactions involving deuterium and tritium ions.

The EURATOM Specific Research and Training Programme in the Field of Nuclear Fusion Energy (the “Community Fusion Programme”) has for long-term objective the development of the commercial prototype for a fusion power-plant. Presently, this Programme is implemented through several Agreements:

  • Contracts of Association signed between EURATOM and Institutions of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and Switzerland (Associates);
  • The European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) and the Mobility Agreement, both signed by EURATOM and its Associates;
  • The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E), signed by EURATOM, the EU Member States and Switzerland.
IPP.CR is the Research Unit responsible for the Work Programme of the Contract of Association and the EURATOM in the Czech Republic. In 1999 a "Contract of Association between the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the Institute of Plasma Physics" was signed, with the goal to integrate the Czech Republic into the European fusion research programmes. This agreement established the Association EURATOM IPP.CR which now coordinates the research in the field of nuclear fusion in the Czech Republic and the international collaboration with the other 32 Euratom Associations.
In preparing the scientific programme the Association is assisted by the International Board of Advisors (IBA) which meets annualy, usually in September in Prague. In past the work was supervised by the „Steering Committee of the Association IPP.CR“ which consists of 3 Czech members and 3 EURATOM members. The Steering Committe adopted the composition of the research unit, work programme, progress and annual reports etc.
In connection with the Contract of Association, further Agreements have been signed:
  • European Fusion Developement Agreement (EFDA), the mission of which is to coordinate the fusion research among the national laboratories, organize research in the field of emerging technologies and provide for the joint exploitation of the JET tokamak;
  • Agreement on Promotion of Staff Mobility in the field of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion which provides for a financial support of the exchange of scientists between associations and participation in coordination meetings of EFDA;
  • JET Implementing Agreement that enables the participation of Czech scientists in the research programme of the JET tokamak;
  • HPC Implementing Agreement which provides for the use of the European High Performance Computer for Fusion Applications (HPC-FF), installed at Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)