Provider Grantová agentura České republiky
GA 16-05167S 2016-2018
Proposer Ing. Zdeněk Sofer Ph.D., VŠCHT
Co-proposer doc. RNDr. Anna Macková Ph.D., UJF AV ČR, v.v.i.
Title Ion beam modifications of graphene based structures
Název Použití iontových svazků pro modifikace struktur založených na grafenu

The research focused on graphene and other 2D materials is in the forefront of materials science. The proposed project addresses the investigation of graphene based materials (graphene and its composites with transition metal dichalcogenides) interaction with ion beams. The ion beam irradiation depending on the used ion beam parameters induces formation of defects, structural disorder and introduction of dopants. Only few works have been published on the proposed topic so far; however, most of the unusual properties of 2D materials like exotic  ferromagnetism, anomalously high electrical and thermal conductivity or electrocatalytic activity are associated with this phenomenon. The project will be focused on ion beam irradiation of various graphene forms, such as bulk powder, assembled papers and CVD deposited layers. In addition, the composites of graphene with transition metal dichalcogenides in the form of papers and CVD layers will be investigated.