
Jméno Havlas Zdeněk
Pozice Vedoucí výzkumné skupiny, IOCB Honorary Chair
Zdeněk Havlas

Zdeněk Havlas, Ph.D., DSc.

Head of the Senior Research Group, IOCB Honorary Chair

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

☎: (+420) 220 183 333

1976-1979 Ph.D. (CSc.) in physical chemistry, under R. Zahradník at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1969-1975 RNDr. degree in physical chemistry, under supervision of P. Hobza at the Charles University, Prague.
since 1995 Regular visiting researcher, University of Colorado Boulder, USA (Prof. Josef Michl).
1986-1988 Humboldt scholarship with Prof. Hans Bock at the University of J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt, Germany.
1979-1980 Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Roald Hoffmann at the Cornell University, Ithaca, USA.
since 2012 Honorary Chair, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague.
since 2011 Member of Government Office for Science, Research and Innovations, Czech Republic, Prague.
since 2007 Head of the Senior Research Team (theoretical chemistry), Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague..
since 2006 Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague.
since 2006 Member and Chair of the Steering Committee of the Gilead Science Research Centre, IOCB, Prague.
2002-2012 Director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague.
2004-2011 Member of the Centre for Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules.
since 1979 Researcher, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague.
Awards and Fellowships
2015 Czech Senate Silver medal.
2014 Vice-chairman of The Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
2013 De scientia et humanitate optime meritis, AS CR.
2011 Medal of the Czech Chemical Society for significant contribution to natural sciences.
2007 Jana Hellich medal for successful implementation in the field, and solidarity with the city, Podebrady.
2002 Member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
2001 Academic title DSc. in organic chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR, Prague.
2001 Award of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
Research interest
Quantum and computetional chemistry, structure and dynamics of molecular and biomolecular systems, hydrogen bond and improper hydrogen bond, relativistic effects in organic molecules, excited states.