The Landscape and Countryside in Baroque

The Landscape and Countryside in Baroque

The Institute of Art History, Omnium, a civil society organisation and the city Horní Jiřetín in cooperation with Czech universities invite you to the international conference on the relationship of landscape and countryside in 17th and 18th centuries. The conference focuses on the various aspects how the landscape was shaped and perceived, on the art and architecture in countryside in the early modern times. At the same time an imminent threat of its devastion will be discussed. We are looking forward to see you in Horní Jiřetín on 14th and in Jezeří Chateau on 15th October 2016!

Attached file: Program_Horni_Jiretin_2016.pdf

Krajina a venkov v baroku / Landscape and Countryside in Baroque

International conference, Horní Jiřetín and Jezeří Chateau,
Czech Republic, October 14–15, 2016


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