BD LSRFortessa Cell Sorter
Location: |
Biochemical Pharmacology of Antimetabolites (Dr. Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová) |
Responsible person: |
Dr. Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová (phone 220 183 114) |
LSR Fortessa™ system uses up to four lasers - blue, red, violet and UV - that enable the detection of up to 18 colours simultaneously.
The system includes a number of technologies, including novel collection optics that reduce excitation losses and improve light collection
efficiency. The result is optical efficiency that delivers maximal sensitivity and resolution for multicolour applications. BD™
HighThroughput Sampler (HTS) allows sample loading from 96- or 384-well microtiter plates for screening assays.
BD FACSAria Cell Sorter
Location: |
Biochemical Pharmacology of Antimetabolites (Dr. Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová) |
Responsible person: |
Dr. Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová (phone 220 183 114) |
The BD FACSAria™ cell sorter sets a new standard for high performance flow cytometry. Based on a revolutionary new design in
instrumentation, this easy-to-use benchtop system delivers high-speed sorting and multicolor analysis.