Confocal Microscopy
There are 2 facilities in our Institute:
- Spinning disc confocal microscopy. Leica upright microscope, DMSTC motorized stage, Piezzo z-movement, MicroMax CCD camera, CSU-10 confocal unit, laser diodes (488, 562, and 714 nm) with AOTF. The equipment is controlled by the corresponding software using PC and software Acquarium developed in collaboration with MasarykUniversity.
- Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). In 2009, we established new Laboratoy Cellular Biophysics that involves sorter Aria II and Leica TSC SP-5 X, equipped with WLL (470-670 nm); argon laser (488 nm) and 2 UV lasers (355 nm and 405 nm). The laboratory is equipped with cultivation chamber (5% CO2 and temperature control) that enables advanced studies of normal and tumour cells. Advanced software is used for data acquisition, 3D-analysis and FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching). Leica microscope represents a unique equipment for studies related to the biology of chromatin and DNA repair