Saturday, 1 10 2016

Last update30.09 15:16

Popularity of Party Representatives

Popularity of Party Representatives

In March 2007 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were given a list with 24 names of top politicians who represent political Parties present in Chamber of Deputies.

Among Party representatives Vlasta Parkanová was found most trustworthy (58 %).She is followed by Prague city major Pavel Bém (50 % of trustees) and by vice-chairman of ČSSD Bohuslav Sobotka (38 %) and leader of Greens Martin Bursík (36 %). About a third of respondents trust to these Party representatives :prime minister Topolánek and leader of ČSSD Paroubek (both 32 %), vice –chairman of ČSSD Škromach and ministers and vice-chairmen of ODS Petr Nečas and Ivan Langer (all 30 %). Only a little less people expressed their trust to vice-chairmen of ODS Petr Gandalovič and Petr Bendl (both 28 %).

In comparison with results from previous surveys there were not any important changes in expressed trust to monitored politicians- the only exception is a big drop of popularity of leader of KDU ČSL Jiří Čunek (-9% points).

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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