Intranet Čeština

Analysis of Biologically Important Compounds

Analysis of Biologically Important Compounds Proteins of tooth pulp separated by 2D electrophoresis (excision) and stained with silver.

Main topics:

  • developing of new separation methods (capillary electromigration techniques), for example:
    • affinity electromigration methods
    • application of gold nanoparticles in capillary electromigration methods
    • forensic application (including coupling CE-MS)
  • analysis of connective tissues - proteomic and physiological analysis of biological samples   when many new proteins were identified, for example:
    • proteom of human teeth in connection to decoy
    • insoluble proteins from the avian eggshell, especially cuticle
    • analysis of posttraslational modifications of proteins
    • determination of arising compounds in glycation reaction as well as sites of modifications
    • identification of age-related changes in proteins – oxidation and deamidation of proteins
  • analysis of a broad spectrum of biologically important compounds in cooperation with many departments of our Institute, various Czech Institutes as well as international cooperation (e.g. proteins, steroids, pigments)
  • proteomic facility of Institute of Physiology CAS





Duval, C. - Cassey, P. - Lovell, P.G. - Mikšík, Ivan - Reynolds, S.J. - Spencer, K.A. Maternal influence on eggshell maculation: implications for cryptic camouflaged eggs . Journal of Ornithology. 2016, roč. 157, 1, p. 303-310 . IF = 1.419 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Ošťádal, M. - Eckhardt, Adam - Herget, J. - Mikšík, Ivan - Dungl, P. - Chomiak, J. - Frydrychová, M. - Burian, M. Proteomic analysis of the extracellular matrix in idiopathic pes equinovarus . Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2015, Vol. 401, 1-2, p. 133-139 . IF = 2.613 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Maurer, G. - Portugal, S. J. - Hauber, M. E. - Mikšík, Ivan - Russell, D. G. D. - Cassey, P. First light for avian embryos: eggshell thickness and pigmentation mediate variation in development and UV exposure in wild bird eggs . Functional Ecology. 2015, Vol. 29, 2, p. 209-218 . IF = 5.21 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Ujčíková, Hana - Eckhardt, Adam - Kagan, Dmytro - Roubalová, Lenka - Svoboda, Petr . Proteomic analysis of post-nuclear supernatant fraction and percoll-purified membranes prepared from brain cortex of rats exposed to increasing doses of morphine . Proteome Science 2014, roč. 12, feb 14, p. 11. ISSN 1477-5956. IF = 1.725 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikšík, Ivan - Sedláková, Pavla - Pataridis, Statis - Bortolotti, F. - Gottardo, R. - Tagliaro, F. Prince Cangrande’s Collagen: Study of Protein Modification on the Mummy of the Lord of Verona, Italy (1291–1329 AD) . Chromatographia 2014, roč. 77, 21-22, p. 1503-1510. ISSN 0009-5893. IF = 1.411 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikšík, Ivan - Ergang, Peter - Pácha, Jiří . Proteomic analysis of chicken eggshell cuticle membrane layer . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014, roč. 406, 29, p. 7633-7640. ISSN 1618-2642. IF = 3.436 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Jágr, Michal - Eckhardt, Adam - Pataridis, Statis - Broukal, Z. - Dušková, J. - Mikšík, Ivan . Proteomics of human teeth and saliva . Physiological Research 2014, roč. 63, suppl.1, s141-s154. ISSN 0862-8408. IF = 1.293 [ASEP]
Houštěk, Josef - Vrbacký, Marek - Hejzlarová, Kateřina - Zídek, Václav - Landa, Vladimír - Šilhavý, Jan - Šimáková, Miroslava - Mlejnek, Petr - Kazdová, L. - Mikšík, Ivan - Neckář, Jan - Papoušek, František - Kolář, František - Kurtz, T. W. - Pravenec, Michal . Effects of mtDNA in SHR-mtF344 versus SHR conplastic strains on reduced OXPHOS enzyme levels, insulin resistance, cardiac hypertrophy, and systolic dysfunction . Physiological Genomics 2014, roč. 46, 18, p. 671-678. ISSN 1094-8341. IF = 2.374 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Hlaváček, Jan - Vítovcová, M. - Sázelová, Petra - Pícha, Jan - Vaněk, Václav - Buděšínský, Miloš - Jiráček, Jiří - Gillner, D. M. - Holz, R. C. - Mikšík, Ivan - Kašička, Václav . Mono-N-acyl-2,6-diaminopimelic acid derivatives: Analysis by electromigration and spectroscopic methods and examination of enzyme inhibitory activity . Analytical Biochemistry 2014, roč. 467, dec 15, p. 4-13. ISSN 0003-2697. IF = 2.219 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Fargallo, J. A. - López-Rull, I. - Mikšík, Ivan - Eckhardt, Adam - Peralta-Sánchez, J. M. Eggshell pigmentation has no evident effects on offspring viability in common kestrels . Evolutionary Ecology 2014, roč. 28, 4, p. 627-637. ISSN 0269-7653. IF = 2.517 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Eckhardt, Adam - Jágr, Michal - Pataridis, Statis - Mikšík, Ivan . Proteomic Analysis of Human Tooth Pulp: Proteomics of Human Tooth . Journal of Endodontics. 2014, roč. 40, 12, p. 1961-1966. ISSN 0099-2399 . IF = 3.375 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Duval, C. - Zimmer, C. - Mikšík, Ivan - Cassey, P. - Spencer, K.A. Early life stress shapes female reproductive strategy through eggshell pigmentation in Japanese quail . General and Comparative Endocrinology 2014, roč. 208, -, p. 146-153. ISSN 0016-6480. IF = 2.47 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Brulez, K. - Cassey, P. - Meeson, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Webber, S.L. - Gosler, A.G. - Reynolds, S.J. Eggshell spot scoring methods cannot be used as a reliable proxy to determine pigment quantity . Journal of avian biology 2014, roč. 45, 1, p. 94-102. ISSN 0908-8857. IF = 1.971 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Pataridis, Statis - Šťastná, Zdeňka - Sedláková, Pavla - Mikšík, Ivan . Monotopic modifications derived from in vitro glycation of albumin with ribose . Electrophoresis, 2013, Vol. 34, 12, p. 1757-1763 . IF = 3.261 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Duval, C. - Cassey, P. - Lovell, P.G. - Mikšík, Ivan - Reynolds, S.J. - Spencer, K.A. Eggshell Appearance Does Not Signal Maternal Corticosterone Exposure in Japanese Quail: An Experimental Study with Brown-Spotted Eggs . PLoS ONE, 2013, Vol. 8, 12, e80485 . IF = 3.730 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Duval, C. - Cassey, P. - Mikšík, Ivan - Reynolds, S.J. - Spencer, K.A. Condition-dependent strategies of eggshell pigmentation: an experimental study of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) . Journal of Experimental Biology, 2013, Vol. 216, 4, p. 700-708 . IF = 3.236 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Brabcová, Jana - Kindl, Jiří - Valterová, Irena - Pichová, Iva - Zarevúcka, Marie - Brabcová, J. - Jágr, Michal - Mikšík, Ivan . Serine protease from midgut of Bombus terrestris males . Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2013, Vol. 82, 3, p. 117-128 . IF = 1.515 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Brabcová, Jana - Demianova, Zuzana - Vondrášek, Jiří - Jágr, Michal - Zarevúcka, Marie - Palomo, J. M. Highly selective purification of three lipases from Geotrichum candidum 4013 and their characterization and biotechnological applications . Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 2013, Vol. 98, Dec 30, p. 62-72 . IF = 2.823 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Řezanka, P. - Ehala, Sille - Koktan, J. - Sýkora, D. - Žvátora, P. - Vosmanská, M. - Král, V. - Mikšík, Ivan - Čeřovský, Václav - Kašička, Václav . Application of Bare Gold Nanoparticles in Open-Tubular CEC Separations of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Peptides . Journal of Separation Science, 2012, Vol. 35, 1, p. 73-78 . IF = 2.591 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Neckář, Jan - Boudíková, Adéla - Mandíková, Petra - Štěrba, M. - Popelová, O. - Mikšík, Ivan - Dabrowská, L. - Mráz, J. - Geršl, V. - Kolář, František . Protective effects of dexrazoxane against acute ischaemia/reperfusion injury of rat hearts . Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2012, Vol. 90, 9, p. 1303-1310 . IF = 1.556 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikšík, Ivan - Lacinová, Kateřina - Zmatlíková, Zdeňka - Sedláková, Pavla - Král, V. - Sýkora, D. - Řezanka, P. - Kašička, Václav . Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography with bare gold nanoparticles-based stationary phase applied to separation of trypsin digested native and glycated proteins . Journal of Separation Science, 2012, Vol. 35, 8, p. 994-1002 . IF = 2.591 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikulíková, Kateřina - Romanov, O. - Mikšík, Ivan - Eckhardt, Adam - Pataridis, Statis - Sedláková, Pavla . Study of Saiga Horn Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry . Scientific World Journal, 2012, Vol. 2012, 2012, ID759604 . IF = 1.730 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Liotta, E. - Gottardo, R. - Seri, C. - Rimondo, C. - Mikšík, Ivan - Serpelloni, G. - Tagliaro, F. Rapid analysis of caffeine in “smart drugs” and “energy drinks” by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC) . Forensic Science International, 2012, Vol. 220, 1-3, p. 279-283 . IF = 2.307 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Jágr, Michal - Eckhardt, Adam - Pataridis, Statis - Mikšík, Ivan . Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human dentin . European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2012, Vol. 120, 4, p. 259-268 . IF = 1.420 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Houštěk, Josef - Hejzlarová, Kateřina - Vrbacký, Marek - Drahota, Zdeněk - Landa, Vladimír - Zídek, Václav - Mlejnek, Petr - Šimáková, Miroslava - Šilhavý, Jan - Mikšík, Ivan - Kazdová, L. - Oliyarnyk, O. - Kurtz, T. - Pravenec, Michal . Nonsynonymous variants in mt-Nd2, mt-Nd4, and mt-Nd5 are linked to effects on oxidative phosphorylation and insulin sensitivity in rat conplastic strains . Physiological Genomics, 2012, Vol. 44, 9, p. 487-494 . IF = 2.806 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Gottardo, R. - Mikšík, Ivan - Aturki, Z. - Sorio, D. - Seri, C. - Fanali, S. - Tagliaro, F. Analysis of drugs of forensic interest with capillary zone electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry based on the use of non-volatile buffers . Electrophoresis, 2012, Vol. 33, 4, p. 599-606 . IF = 3.261 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Cassey, P. - Thomas, G.H. - Portugal, S. J. - Maurer, G. - Hauber, M. E. - Grim, T. - Lovell, P.G. - Mikšík, Ivan . Why are birds' eggs colourful? Eggshell pigments co-vary with life-history and nesting ecology among British breeding non-passerine birds . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, Vol. 106, 3, p. 657-672 . IF = 2.413 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Cassey, P. - Mikšík, Ivan - Portugal, S. J. - Maurer, G. - Ewen, J.G. - Zarate, E. - Sewell, M.A. - Karadas, F. - Grim, T. - Hauber, M. E. Avian eggshell pigments are not consistently correlated with colour measurements or egg constituents in two Turdus thrushes . Journal of avian biology, 2012, Vol. 43, 6, p. 503-512 . IF = 2.020 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Řezanka, P. - Navrátilová, K. - Žvátora, P. - Sýkora, D. - Matějka, P. - Mikšík, Ivan - Kašička, Václav - Král, V. Cyclodextrin modified gold nanoparticles-based open-tubular capillary electrochromatographic separations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons . Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, Vol. 13, 11, p. 5947-5957 . IF = 3.287 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Vagnerová, Karla - Loukotová, Jana - Ergang, Peter - Musílková, Jana - Mikšík, Ivan - Pácha, Jiří . Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma stimulates 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in rat vascular smooth muscle cells . Steroids, 2011, Vol. 76, 6, p. 577-581 . IF = 2.829 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Maurer, G. - Portugal, S. J. - Mikšík, Ivan - Cassey, P. Speckles of cryptic black-headed gull eggs show no mechanical or conductance structural function . Journal of Zoology, 2011, Vol. 285, 3, p. 194-204 . IF = 2.043 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klusoňová, Petra - Pátková, Lenka - Ergang, Peter - Mikšík, Ivan - Zicha, Josef - Kuneš, Jaroslav - Pácha, Jiří . Local metabolism of glucocorticoids in Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats – Effect of hypertriglyceridemia and gender . Steroids, 2011, Vol. 76, 12, p. 1252-1259 . IF = 2.829 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Grausová, Ľubica - Kromka, Alexander - Burdíková, Zuzana - Eckhardt, Adam - Rezek, Bohuslav - Vacík, Jiří - Haenen, K. - Lisá, Věra - Bačáková, Lucie . Enhanced Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells on Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films . PLoS ONE, 2011, Vol. 6, 6, e20943 . IF = 4.092 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Ergang, Peter - Vytáčková, Kateřina - Švec, Jiří - Bryndová, Jana - Mikšík, Ivan - Pácha, Jiří . Upregulation of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 in lymphoid organs during inflammation in the rat . Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011, Vol. 126, 1-2, p. 19-25 . IF = 3.053 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Zmatlíková, Zdeňka - Sedláková, Pavla - Lacinová, Kateřina - Eckhardt, Adam - Pataridis, Statis - Mikšík, Ivan . Non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications of bovine serum albumin by oxo-compounds investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and capillary zone electrophoresis–mass spektrometry . Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, Vol. 1217, 51, p. 8009-8015 . IF = 4.194 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Sýkora, D. - Kašička, Václav - Mikšík, Ivan - Řezanka, P. - Záruba, K. - Matějka, P. - Král, V. Application of gold nanoparticles in separation sciences . Journal of Separation Science, 2010, Vol. 33, 3, p. 372-387 . IF = 2.631 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikšík, Ivan - Sedláková, Pavla - Lacinová, Kateřina - Pataridis, Statis - Eckhardt, Adam . Determination of insoluble avian eggshell matrix proteins . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 397, 1, p. 205-214 . IF = 3.841 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Maxová, H. - Bačáková, Lucie - Eckhardt, Adam - Mikšík, Ivan - Lisá, Věra - Novotná, J. - Herget, J. Growth of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells on Collagen I Exposed to RBL-2H3 Mastocytoma Cells . Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2010, Vol. 25, 6, p. 615-622 . IF = 3.585 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klásek, A. - Lyčka, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Růžička, A. Reaction of 3-phenyl-3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates. Facile access to novel spiro-linked 2-thioxoimidazolidine-oxindoles and imidazoline-2-thiones . Tetrahedron, 2010, Vol. 66, 11, p. 2015-2025 . IF = 3.011 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Jeleník, Tomáš - Rossmeisl, Martin - Kuda, Ondřej - Macek Jílková, Zuzana - Medříková, Daša - Kůs, Vladimír - Hensler, Michal - Janovská, Petra - Mikšík, Ivan - Baranowski, M. - Gorski, J. - Hébrard, S. - Jensen, T. E. - Flachs, Pavel - Hawley, S. - Violl . AMP-activated Protein Kinase alfa2 Subunit Is Required for the Preservation of Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids . Diabetes, 2010, Vol. 59, 11, p. 2737-2746 . IF = 8.889 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Furuhashi, T. - Mikšík, Ivan - Smrž, Miloslav - Germann, B. - Nebija, D. - Lachmann, B. - Noe, Ch. Comparison of aragonitic molluscan shell proteins . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2010, Vol. 155, 2, p. 195-200 . IF = 1.989 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Ergang, Peter - Leden, P. - Vagnerová, Karla - Klusoňová, Petra - Mikšík, Ivan - Jurčovičová, J. - Kment, M. - Pácha, Jiří . Local metabolism of glucocorticoids and its role in rat adjuvant arthritis . Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2010, Vol. 323, 2, p. 155-160 . IF = 4.119 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Vacková, Z. - Vagnerová, Karla - Libra, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Pácha, Jiří - Staud, F. Dexamethasone and betamethasone administration during pregnancy affects expression and function of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the rat placenta . Reproductive Toxicology, 2009, Vol. 28, 1, p. 46-51 . IF = 3.367 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Sedláková, Pavla - Eckhardt, Adam - Lacinová, Kateřina - Pataridis, Statis - Mikšík, Ivan - Král, V. - Kašička, Václav . Separation of tryptic peptides of native and glycated BSA using open-tubular CEC with salophene-lanthanide-Zn2+ complex as stationary phase . Journal of Separation Science, 2009, Vol. 32, 22, p. 3930-3935 . IF = 2.551 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Prucková, Z. - Klásek, A. - Lyčka, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Růžička, A. Synthesis of 2-thioxoimidazolines via reaction of 1-unsubstituted 3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates . Tetrahedron, 2009, Vol. 65, 45, p. 9103-9115 . IF = 3.219 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Pataridis, Statis - Eckhardt, Adam - Mikulíková, Kateřina - Sedláková, Pavla - Mikšík, Ivan . Determination and Quantification of Collagen Types in Tissues Using HPLC-MS/MS . Current Analytical Chemistry, 2009, Vol. 5, 4, p. 316-323 . IF = 2.143 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klásek, A. - Mrkvička, V. - Lyčka, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Růžička, A. Reaction of 1-substituted 3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates. An easy pathway to generate novel 2-thioxo-1′H-spiro[imidazoline-5,3′-indole]-2,2′-diones . Tetrahedron, 2009, Vol. 65, 25, p. 4908-4916 . IF = 3.219 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klásek, A. - Lyčka, A. - Mikšík, Ivan - Růžička, A. Molecular Rearrangement of 9b-Hydroxy-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]quinoline-2,4-diones - A Convenient Pathway to Spiro-Linked Imidazolidine-Oxindole Derivatives . Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2009, Vol. 92, 4, p. 689-708 . IF = 1.435 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klusoňová, Petra - Řeháková, Lenka - Borchert, Gudrun H. - Vagnerová, Karla - Neckář, Jan - Ergang, Peter - Mikšík, Ivan - Kolář, František - Pácha, Jiří . Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Induces 11Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in Rat Heart . Endocrinology, 2009, Vol. 150, 9, p. 4270-4277 . IF = 4.752 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Furuhashi, T. - Schwarzinger, C. - Mikšík, Ivan - Smrž, Miloslav - Beran, A. Molluscan shell evolution with review of shell calcification hypothesis . Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2009, Vol. 154, 3, p. 351-371 . IF = 1.607 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Vagnerová, Karla - Vacková, Z. - Klusoňová, Petra - Štaud, F. - Kopecký, M. - Ergang, Peter - Mikšík, Ivan - Pácha, Jiří . Reciprocal Changes in Maternal and Fetal Metabolism of Corticosterone in Rat During Gestation . Reproductive Sciences, 2008, Vol. 15, 9, p. 921-931 . IF = 1.951 [ASEP]
Roulin, A. - Almasi, B. - Rossi-Pedruzzi, A. - Ducrest, A.-L. - Wakamatsu, K. - Mikšík, Ivan - Blount, J.D. - Jenni-Eiermann, S. - Jenni, L. Corticosterone mediates the condition-dependent component of melanin-based coloration . Animal Behaviour, 2008, Vol. 75, 4, p. 1351-1358 . IF = 2.828 [ASEP]
Pataridis, Statis - Eckhardt, Adam - Mikulíková, Kateřina - Sedláková, Pavla - Mikšík, Ivan . Identification of collagen types in tissues using HPLC-MS/MS . Journal of Separation Science, 2008, Vol. 31, 20, p. 3483-3488 . IF = 2.746 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikšík, Ivan - Sedláková, Pavla - Mikulíková, Kateřina - Eckhardt, Adam - Kašička, Václav . Comparison of CE-MS and LC-MS Analyses of Avian Eggshell Matrix Proteins . Chromatographia, 2008, Vol. 67, Suppl.1, p. 89-96 . IF = 1.312 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Mikulíková, Kateřina - Eckhardt, Adam - Kuneš, Jaroslav - Zicha, Josef - Mikšík, Ivan . Advanced glycation end-product pentosidine accumulates in various tissues of rats with high fructose intake . Physiological Research, 2008, Vol. 57, 1, p. 89-94 . IF = 1.653 [ASEP]
López-Rull, I. - Mikšík, Ivan - Gil, D. Egg pigmentation reflects female and egg quality in the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2008, Vol. 62, 12, p. 1877-1884 . IF = 2.917 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klusoňová, Petra - Kučka, Marek - Ergang, Peter - Mikšík, Ivan - Bryndová, Jana - Pácha, Jiří . Cloning of chicken 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and its tissue distribution . Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2008, Vol. 111, 3-5, p. 217-224 . IF = 2.827 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Klusoňová, Petra - Kučka, Marek - Mikšík, Ivan - Bryndová, Jana - Pácha, Jiří . Chicken 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2: Partial cloning and tissue distribution . Steroids, 2008, Vol. 73, 3, p. 348-355 . IF = 2.588 [ASEP]
Ergang, Peter - Leden, Pavel - Bryndová, Jana - Žbánková, Šárka - Mikšík, Ivan - Kment, M. - Pácha, Jiří . Glucocorticoid Availability in Colonic Inflammation of Rat . Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2008, Vol. 53, 8, p. 2160-2167 . IF = 1.583 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Šolínová, Veronika - Kašička, Václav - Sázelová, Petra - Barth, Tomislav - Mikšík, Ivan . Separation and investigation of structure-mobility relationship of gonadotropin-releasing hormones by capillary zone electrophoresis in conventional and isoelectric acidic background electrolytes . Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, Vol. 1155, 2, p. 146-153 . IF = 3.641 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Sedláková, Pavla - Mikšík, Ivan - Gatschelhofer, Ch. - Sinner, F. M. - Buchmeiser, M. R. Voltage-assisted capillary LC of peptides using monolithic capillary columns prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization . Electrophoresis, 2007, Vol. 28, 13, p. 2219-2222 . IF = 3.609 [ASEP]
Rehfeldt, F. - Engler, A. J. - Eckhardt, Adam - Fariyal, C. - Discher, D. E. Cell responses to the mechanochemical microenvironment—Implications for regenerative medicine and drug delivery . Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2007, Vol. 59, 13, p. 1329-1339 . IF = 8.224 [ASEP] [ doi ]
Pravenec, Michal - Hyakukoku, M. - Houštěk, Josef - Zídek, Václav - Landa, Vladimír - Mlejnek, Petr - Mikšík, Ivan - Mothejzíková-Dudová, Kristýna - Pecina, Petr - Vrbacký, Marek - Drahota, Zdeněk - Vojtíšková, Alena - Mráček, Tomáš - Kazdová, L. - Oliyar . Direct linkage of mitochondrial genome variation to risk factors for type 2 diabetes in conplastic strains . Genome Research, 2007, Vol. 17, 9, p. 1319-1326 . IF = 11.224 [ASEP]
Mikšík, Ivan - Eckhardt, Adam - Sedláková, Pavla - Mikulíková, Kateřina . Proteins of Insoluble Matrix of Avian (Gallus Gallus) Eggshell . Connective Tissue Research, 2007, Vol. 48, 1, p. 1-8 . IF = 1.085 [ASEP]
Mikšík, Ivan - Sedláková, Pavla . Capillary electrochromatography of proteins and peptides . Journal of Separation Science, 2007, Vol. 30, 11, p. 1686-1703 . IF = 2.632 [ASEP]
Mikulíková, Kateřina - Eckhardt, Adam - Pataridis, Statis - Mikšík, Ivan . Study of posttranslational non-enzymatic modifications of collagen using capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry . Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, Vol. 1155, 2, p. 125-133 . IF = 3.641 [ASEP]
Gottardo, R. - Bortolotti, F. - De Paoli, G. - Pascali, J. P. - Mikšík, Ivan - Tagliaro, F. Hair analysis for illicit drugs by using capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spektrometry . Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, Vol. 1159, 1-2, p. 185-189 . IF = 3.641 [ASEP]

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Institute of Physiology AS CR, v.v.i.
Department of Analysis of Biologically Important Compounds

Vídeňská 1083
14220 Prague 4
tel. +420 241 062 534
fax. +420 241 062 558



  Prof. Ing. Ivan Mikšík, DrSc.
head of the department
  Mgr. Adam Eckhardt, Ph.D.
deputy head of the department
  RNDr. Michal Jágr., Ph.D.
senior researcher
  Ing. Jana Svobodová, Ph.D.
senior researcher
  Mgr. Kateřina Lacinová, Ph.D.
senior researcher
  Mgr. Pavla Sedláková, Ph.D.
senior researcher
  Ing. Statis Pataridis
research assistant
  Pavla Šmigolová
lab technician