From the series
Institute of Thermomechanics Seminar
Experimental study and simulation on localization of phase transformation in shape memory alloys
Ing. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D., Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS, v. v. i
Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 10:00
Conference Room B
Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR vyhlašuje veřejnou soutěž na zpracování návrhu pomníku českého vědce Václava Dolejška v parku Mazanka v Praze. Soutěžní lhůta končí 20. 9. 2016.
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Dr. Hiromasa Nakayama is a researcher in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan.
Abstract: There is a potential problem that hazardous and flammable materials are accidentally or intentionally released into the atmosphere, either within or close to populated urban areas. For the assessment of human health hazard from toxic substances, the existence of high concentration peaks in a plume should be considered. »»»
We kindly invite you to the following two lectures: »»»
We kindly invite you to the following two lectures: »»»
When a disk rotates at constant angular velocity in otherwise still fluid a boundary layer flow is established close to the disk. Obviously the local velocity of the disk increases with radius, but to a first approximation, this radial variation of the basic flow can be neglected to produce a "local" parallel-flow linear stability theory. »»»
The highly accurate simulation of turbulent rotating flows within cavity is of interest for both engineering applications, such as designing rotational machinery, and fundamental research, as one of the simplest cases where the turbulent boundary layers are three-dimensional. Attempting to compute these flows using statistical approaches has had only partial success. »»»
Organizer: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR
The objective of the 16th conference is to provide insight into the state of the art in solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, namely in the context of the projects carried out in the Czech Republic. The conference will be held in the hotel ŽĎAS a.s., in the pictoresque scenery of the Žďárské mountains. »»»
Resume: The objective of ERASMUS project was further development and testing the new noninvasive diagnostics method of human skin under variable mechanical loading in-vivo. The method is based on monitoring instantaneous changes of ultrasound propagation along the skin. »»»
The aim of the Colloquium is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in solid mechanics. The main attention will be focused on: »»»
Abstract: Model of the human cardiovascular system is applied for the quantitative evaluation of the human activity. The entropy production was used as a relevant quantity. The comparison with the ergonometric tests is shown.
Presenter: Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Rauschenberger
The team of scientists from the University of Sheffield, including Prof. Václav Tesař, have received the 2009 Moulton medal for their paper entitled On the design and simulation of an airlift loop bioreactor with microbubble generation by fluidic oscillation published in Food & Bioproducts Processing, 2009. The medal has been awarded anually by The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IchemE) since 1929 for the best scientific paper in the field. »»»
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