The TA ČR 2013 for the category of Original solution was awarded to the project entitled "Optical Packet Switch" on the creation of which our institute participated.

The Technological Agency of the Czech Republic awarded major projects of applied research which were realized with the financial support from the state budget. The project "Optical Packet Switch" won the award for the category of Original solution. This project was done in the cooperation of SQS Fiber Optics Inc., Institute of Photonics and Electronics  and the Czech Technical University in Prague.

This optical packet switch enables data transfer up to a thousand times faster than existing switches. It is the first product of its kind to be commercially available.

You can watch the vidoe about the project here on (in Czech only)

More information about the TA ČR 2013 Awards are available at the website of the Technological Agency of CR (in Czech only)


Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE přispívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.

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