Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Group of optical measurements

Group of optical measurements is a part of the Department of Semiconductors, Institute of Physics, v.v.i.

Research activities of experimentalists and Equipment and experimental methods available


Research activities of experimentalists:
  • Luminescence study of low dimensional semiconductor structures at room and low temperatures
  • Photoconductivy studies of low dimensional semiconductor structures

The following equipment and experimental methods are available

1. Low temperature luminescence :
  • Optical cryostat Utrex (temperature range 4.2-300K, and superfluid He)
  • Monochromator SDL-1 (spectral range 180-6000 nm)
  • Light detection: PMPs, Si, Ge, PbS, PbSe, InAs, InSb
  • Excitation: N2 laser, Ar laser, HeNe laser and set of semiconductor lasers, Tunable laser PantherTM 215 nm - 2000 nm (Continuum, An Excel Technology Company, USA)
2. Low temperature photoconductivy :
  • Optical cryostat Utrex (temperature range 4.2-300K, and super fluid He)
  • Excitation: Tungstam lamp and monochromator MDR-23 (spectral range 180- 12000 nm)

The group has a considerable experience in the work with the techniques mentioned above on a good international level.

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