Completed project

Support for the Social Acceptance and Effective Enforcement of Gender Equality in Public Sphere

Project duration: 
2004 - 2009

The subject of this sociological project is support for the social acceptance of the institutional mechanisms designed for the enforcement of the principle of egual opportunities for men and women in the public sphere. The project provides targeted user groups with access to research results, fosters public understanding and social confidence in topics of gender, and develops effective social intervention in gendered social practise. The project output will evaluate the impact of this intervention on taboo issues and on the process of enforcing a scientific line of reasoning in social discourses relating to important issues in the lives of Czech women and men, and will critically assess the real benefit in the transfer of gender-related findings, data and research studies. The research focus of this applied project corresponds to the necessity of strengthening the credibility and importance of science and research for addressing pressing and socially urgent issues in the contemporary world.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 80, displaying 71 - 80)

Uhde, Zuzana

The review of the book The Ethics of Care. Personal, Political, and Global by Virginia Held.

gender, care
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

he article is a review of the volume published by the collective of authors of Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main which focuses under the direction of Axel Honneth on the theory of paradoxical development of capitalist modernization.

methodology, sociological data
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The review presents the book by Nancy Fraser Stretching Radical Imagination which encompasses the articles representing her theoretical development from the two-dimensional theory towards the theory of postwesphalian democratic justice

globalisation, sociology of law
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The article is a review of collection of articles edited by Arlie R. Hochschild and Barbara Ehrenreich. They presented in this book set of articles dealing with the transformation of social organization of care in the context of globalization, feminization of migration and global inequalities.

globalisation, migration and mobility, care
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The article is a review of a book Mnohohlasem. Vyjednávání ženských prostorů po roce 1989, in which collective of authors is mapping the development of women oriented activism in the Czech Republic after the fall of communism in 1989.

Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The article concerns a review of American critical theorist Nancy Fraser and German critical theorist Axel Honneth. The authors gradually reply to each other in two steps and confront their approaches of justice.

economics, globalisation, social inequalities
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The article concerns a review of American critical theorist Nancy Fraser and German critical theorist Axel Honneth. The authors gradually reply to each other in two steps and confront their approaches of justice.

value orientations, human relations
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

In the article the author highlights the critical potential of the theatre performance Vagina Monologues written by Eve Ensler with regard to both gender justice and multiculturalism. Ensler adverts to the injustice that women face particularly by means of narrative while she aims to avoid the western imperialistic view and afford the space to women outside the western culture too.

gender, sociology of law
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Uhde, Zuzana

The review of the book of two prominent personalities of the critical theory Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth presents their different approaches to the theory of justice in the reciprocal confrontation. Whereas Fraser proposes two-dimensional theory of justice that would combine theories of distributive justice and theories of recognition, Honneth suggests alternative approach to justice that redistribution struggles conceives as one of kinds of recognition struggles.

value orientations, sociological data
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Published review
Dudová, Radka

Článek analyzuje právní a politickou regulaci umělého přerušení těhotenství z perspektivy Foucaultovy teorie gouvernementality a bio-moci. Regulace potratů je představena jako příklad způsobu, jakým státní moc ovlivnovala a disciplinovala těla svých subjektů, jakým regulovala populace a tvarovala ji ve shodě s potřebami vlády.

gender, parenting, social policy
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article


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