Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis

  • Upcoming Events

    • Forthcoming study "Cost-benefit analysis of nursery schools in the Czech Republic", 8 March 2016

      Forthcoming seminar "Smart Specialization: From Academic Concept to European Policy and Czech Practice", 4 April 2016

      Forthcoming study "Supporting Families with Children Through the Tax and Welfare System", 12 May 2016

    • July 12, 2016, Author: Jan Švejnar

      There are and will be major gyrations in the financial markets until things clear up; depending on the resolution of the Brexit crisis, there may be negative spillovers on economic growth worldwide.

    • June 7, 2016   On the importance of educational achievement for economic prosperity, policies fostering school accountability and autonomy, and the role of vocational education. Key note speaker: Professor Ludger Woessmann, University of Munich


  • Highlights

    • IDEA is proud to announce that Jan Švejnar, the founder and the director of IDEA, won the 2015 IZA Prize for labor economics. The press release is available here.