Commercialization of R & D programs in applied research, experimental development and innovation GAMA
Project TG01010135 „Commercialization of R & D IEM AS CR v.v.i.“ it is financially supported by TAČR.
Time of project: July 2014 – June 2019.
1 Jul 2014
Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague have joined forces to develop a European Centre of Excellence in the field of life sciences. By 2015, when fully operational, the BIOCEV centre will offer state-of-the-art core facilities, contractual research, education and training programmes for students and business specialists and over 400 employment opportunities for scientists from all over the world. All of its five research programmes are being developed by the most prominent scientists from the Czech Republic and abroad. Duration 2010-2014
1 Jan 2010