
2 Nov 2016

Právě vyšla Československá psychologie s č. 5.

Její empirické studie jsou věnovány dopingu u českých adolescentů a vyhoření u českých lékařů a lékařek. Metodická rubrika představuje čtenářům slovenskou verzi Testu prosociálného morálného uvažovania a českou verzi dotazníku Patient Health Questionnaire-9.

24 Oct 2016

Zveme Vás na přednášku "Co je to psychologický test",

kterou v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky AV ČR přednese profesor Tomáš Urbánek v literární kavárně knihkupectví Academia Brno v úterý 8.11.2016 od 17:00 do 18:30 hodin (detail).

20 Oct 2016

Meeting Philip G. Zimbardo

Debate with the American psychologist and populariser of psychology Philip G. Zimbardo. A professor at Stanford University since 1968, he is famous for his research in the field of prison psychology, in particular for the Stanford prison experiment of 1971, which was financed by the Office of Naval Research and attempted to discover why wardens tend to treat inmates cruelly (detail).

22 Sep 2016

Největší vědecký festival v České republice Týden vědy a techniky Akademie věd ČR

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More news

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PhDr. Filip Smolík, PhD.

Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, p.r.i.
Hybernská 8, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone +420 221 403 907, fax +420 222 221 652
Email: smolik at


Areas of interest

  • Language acquisition, the development of grammatical knowledge, tools for assessing grammar and language development
  • Psycholinguistics, processing of grammatical structure
  • Genetics of cognitive abilities
  • Statistical methods for longitudinal research and non-normally distributed data


Representative publications

(see also the complete publications list)


Smolík, F., Bláhová, V. (in press). Comprehension of verb number morphemes in Czech children: singular and plural show different relations to age and vocabulary. Accepted for publication in First Language on June 13, 2016.

Smolík, F., Štěpánková, H., Vyhnálek, M., Nikolai, M., Horáková, K., Matějka, Š. (in press). Propositional density in spoken and written language of Czech-speaking patients with mild cognitive impairment. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing research on May 20, 2016.

Smolík, F., Kříž, A. (2015). The power of imageability: the acquisition of inflected forms is facilitated in highly imageable verbs and nouns in Czech children. First Language, 35(3), 446-465.

Smolík, F. (2015). Word order and information structure in Czech 3-and 4-year-olds' comprehension. First Language, 35(3), 237-253.

Smolík, F. (2014). The Use of Gender Information in Lexical Processing in Czech 23-Month-Olds: An Eyetracking Study. In: Orman, W., Valleau, M. J. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Smolík, F., Vávrů, P. (2014). Sentence imitation as a marker of SLI in Czech: disproportionate impairment of verbs and clitics. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearning Research, 57, 837-849. DOI: 10.1044/2014_JSLHR-L-12-0384 abstrac

Smolík, F. (2014).Noun imageability facilitates the acquisition of plurals: survival analysis of plural emergence in children.Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 335-350. DOI: 10.1007/s10936-013-9255-5 abstract
Markova, G.,Smolík, F. (2014). What Do You Think? The Relationship between Person Reference and Communication About the Mind in Toddlers. Social Development, 23, 61-79. DOI: 10.1111/sode.12044 abstract

Smolík, F., Seidlová Málková, G. (2011). Validity of language sample measures taken from structured elicitation procedures in Czech. Československá psychologie, 55, 451-461.

Smolík, F. (2010). Using multilevel modeling in the analysis of experimental data: cumulative effects of structural priming in children. Studia Psychologica, 52, 229-242.

Rice, M., Smolík, F., Perpich, D., Thompson, T., Rytting, N., Blossom, M. (2010): Mean length of utterance levels in 6-month intervals for children 3-9 years with and without language impairments. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research,53, 333-49.

Rice, M., Smolík, F. (2007): Genetic Language Disorders. In Gaskell, G. (Ed.): Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Smolík, F. (2005). Lexical Growth and Acquisition of Morphological Forms. In: Burgos, A., Clark-Cotton, M. R., Ha, S.: Proceedings of the 29th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.



2001-2006 Child Language Program, University of Kansas v Lawrence, KS, USA. PhD. awarded 2006. Dissertation Grammar sensitivity in children: syntactic priming and error detection. Advisor: Mabel Rice. Committee: Susan Kemper, Vicky Peyton, Holly Storkel, Mike Vitevitch.
2000 PhDr. ("small doctorate"), rigorous exam in General Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
1994-1999 Studies in Psychology program, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, concentration in theory and research. Thesis Psychologické aspekty osvojování jazyka (Psychological aspects of language acquistion).
1993-1994 Studies in Psychology program, Faculty of Arts, Palacky University, Olomouc.


Professional experience

2002-2006 Graduate research assistant, Language acquisition studies lab, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA.
1996-present Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Prague branch. Initialy research assistant, currently postdoc.

Research assistant, Laboratory of psychometric studies, Psychiatric center Prague.Participated in the development of the Prague newborn behavior description method.