
PhDr. Marek Hrubec, PhD.


PhDr. Marek Hrubec, PhD. is human and social scientist from the Czech Republic. He focuses on global studies, and analyses of developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is active also in civil society and public sphere in Europe and other continents as well.



He studied philosophy and sociology in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague (MA 1996), including a year stay in the USA and other shorter study stays in the United Kingdom and Germany. He studied doctoral studies of philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague, including a year stay at the University of Oxford and other shorter study stays in the United Kingdom (PhDr. 2001, PhD. 2001).



His research deals with global studies, the politics and society of developing countries, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly East Africa, political economy, and political philosophy. He analyses patterns on recognition of various social groups, and makes critical analyses of social and political injustice. He links analyses of injustice in the local and national contexts with analyses in the regional, macro-regional and global contexts. He formulates also normative concepts of social and political arrangement. He studies relations among the various cultures and the global civilization. In his theory, he develops concepts of extra-territorial and inter-cultural recognition, focusing especially on East Africa last years.



He published many social scientific papers and books focused on his research themes. He is a member of the boards of the journals: Human Affairs (Slovakia and Germany), Civitas (Brazil), Philosophical Journal (Czech Republic), Gender, Equal Opportunities, and Research (Czech Republic), Philosophica (Slovakia).



He is Rector of East Africa Star University, a university located in Burundi in the boundary of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo, focusing on students from post-conflict and conflict countries of East Africa. As Director, he founded the Center of Global Studies, a joint center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague. He is member of Global Studies Association, International Political Science Association, Czech Political Science Society, and other academic societies. In UNESCO, he deals with social scientific diplomacy.



Since 1997, he taught in the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague. Since 2001, he taught in the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts at Charles University in Prague. 



In co-operation with colleagues from Germany, Italy, Ireland, USA, and Mexico, he co-organizes an annual international conference “Philosophy and Social Science”. In co-operation especially with Czech and Slovak colleagues, he co-organizes the Central European version of this conference “Filosofie a sociální vědy”. He gave lectures in many universities all over the world: the EU, the USA, Russia, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Ghana, Burundi, etc.


Selected books

  • Hrubec, Marek et al. 2012. Ethics of Social Conflicts (Etika sociálních konfliktů). Prague: Filosofia. 266 pages. ISBN 978-80-7007-377-3.
  • Hrubec, Marek. 2011. From Misrecognition to Justice (Od zneuznání ke spravedlnosti). Prague: Filosofia. 562 pages. ISBN 978-80-7007-362-9.
  • Hrubec, Marek et al. 2010. Martin Luther King Against Injustice. (Martin Luther King proti nespravedlnosti). Prague: Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-7007-334-6.
  • Hrubec, Marek, ed. 2009. Between Islam and the West. Prague: Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-7007-299-8.
  • Hrubec, Marek, ed. 2008. An Intercultural Dialogue on Human Rights (Interkulturní dialog o lidských právech). Prague: Filosofia. 492 pages. ISBN 978-80-7007-282-0.
  • Hrubec, Marek, et al. 2008. Social Criticism in the Era of Globalizace (Sociální kritika v éře globalizace). Prague: Filosofia. 482 pages. ISBN 978-80-7007-286-8.
  • Hrubec, Marek; Brabec, Martin; Van Parijs, Philippe et al. 2007. Universal Basic Income (Všeobecný základní příjem). Prague: Filosofia. 202 pages, ISBN 978-80-7007-259-2.
  • Hrubec, Marek, ed. 2005. Global Justice and Democracy (Globální spravedlnost a demokracie). Praha: Filosofia 2004. 335 pages. ISBN 80-7007-210-5.
  • Hrubec, Marek ed. 2004. Democracy, Public Sphere, and Civil Society (Demokracie, veřejnost a občanská společnost). Prague: Filosofia. 368 pages. ISBN 80-7007-211-3.

Selected texts in English

  • Hrubec, Marek: An Articulation of Extra-Territorial Recognition. In: Burns, Tony (ed.): Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition. Palgrave 2013, pp. 271 – 295. ISBN 978-02-3020-597-0.
  • Hrubec, Marek: A Critical Concept of Injustice. Ethics Vol. 13, No. 1, June 2014, pp. 50 - 73.
  • Hrubec, Marek: Authoritarian versus Critical Theory. In: International Critical Thought, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2012, pp. 431–444. Routledge, Beijing. ISSN 2159-8282.
  • Hrubec, Marek: An Inter-cultural Dialoque on Trans-cultural Issues. In: Axford, Barrie and Huggins, Richard, eds.: Cultures and/of Globalization. Cambridge Scholars 2011, pp. 14-35. ISBN 978-1-4438-3217-5.
  • Hrubec, Marek: The Law of Peoples and Global Justice. In: Human Affairs. Vol. 20, No. 2, 2010, pp. 135-150. ISSN 1210-3055.                
  • Hrubec, Marek: Preconditions of an Intercultural Dialogue on Human Rights, In: Veritas Vol. 55, No. 1, 2010, pp. 183-205. Porto Alegre, Brazil. ISSN 0042-3955.
  • Hrubec, Marek: The Global Struggle for Human Rights. In: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1-2, 2010, pp. 39-60. Brill. ISSN 1569-1500.
  • Hrubec, Marek: The Global Poor and Social Justice. In: SinghaRoy, D. (ed.): Surviving Against Odds. New Delhi, India, Manohar 2010, pp. 73-96. 2010. ISBN 978-81-7304-877-7.
  • Hrubec, Marek: Social Justice and Development in the Global Context. In: Ivanička, K. et al., Overcoming Crisis - Creating of the New Model for Socio-Economic Development of Slovakia. Bratislava, Ekonóm 2010, pp. 73-98. ISBN 978-80-225-2882-5.
  • Hrubec, Marek, ed.: Between Islam and the West. Filosofia, Prague 2009. ISBN: 978-80-7007-299-8.
  • Hrubec, Marek: On Conditions of Participation. The Deficits of Public Reason. In: Human Affairs 1, 2008, pp. 81-91. ISSN 1210-3055.
  • Hrubec, Marek: Unrecognized Rights-Agents, Misrecognized Rights-Holders. In: Harris, J. (ed.): Contested Terrains of Globalization. Global Studies Association NA, Chicago 2008.

