Analysis of single-point stochastic neuronal models.
Main methodology is provided by mathematical modelling based on the theory of stochastic processes and differential equations, including extensive numerical simulations. Advanced statistical analysis of simulated as well as real experimental data is performed in order to estimate biophysically relevant parameters of the studied models.
Information processing in sensory neurons and neuronal models.
Methods of information theory and statistical estimation theory are applied to analyse the neuronal coding efficiency, based on both simulated and experimental data. Of particular interest is the notion of efficient coding hypothesis for insect olfactory sensory neurons, and biophysical modelling of ligand-receptor interaction in pheromone reception.
Košťál, Lubomír - Shinomoto, S.
Efficient information transfer by Poisson neurons
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2016, roč. 13, 3, p. 509-520
IF = 1.006
Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr
Coding accuracy on the psychophysical scale
Scientific Reports. 2016, roč. 6, Mar 29, p. 23810
IF = 5.228
Košťál, Lubomír
Stimulus reference frame and neural coding precision
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 2016, roč. 71, Apr 2016, p. 22-27
IF = 1.818
Kortus, Štěpán - Srinivasan, Ch. - Forostyak, O. - Zápotocký, Martin - Ueta, Y. - Syková, E. - Chvátal, A. - Verkhratsky, A. - Dayanithi, G.
Sodium-calcium exchanger and R-type Ca2+ channels mediate spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus
Cell Calcium. 2016, roč. 59, 6, p. 289-298
IF = 2.909
Kortus, Štěpán - Srinivasan, Ch. - Forostyak, O. - Ueta, Y. - Syková, E. - Chvátal, A. - Zápotocký, Martin - Verkhratsky, A. - Dayanithi, G.
Physiology of spontaneous [Ca2+](i) oscillations in the isolated vasopressin and oxytocin neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus
Cell Calcium. 2016, roč. 59, 6, p. 280-288
IF = 2.909
Forostyak, O. - Forostyak, S. - Kortus, Štěpán - Syková, E. - Verkhratsky, A. - Dayanithi, G.
Physiology of Ca2+ signalling in stem cells of different origins and differentiation stages
Cell Calcium. 2016, roč. 59, 2-3, p. 57-66
IF = 2.909
Chakraborty, Soma - Bartussek, Jan - Fry, S.N. - Zápotocký, Martin
Independently Controlled Wing Stroke Patterns in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster
PLoS ONE. 2015, Vol. 10, 2, e0116813
IF = 3.057
Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr
Coding Accuracy Is Not Fully Determined by the Neuronal Model
Neural Computation. 2015, Vol. 27, 5, p. 1051-1057
IF = 1.626
Tamborrino, M. - Ditlevsen, S. - Lánský, Petr
Parameter inference from hitting times for perturbed Brownian motion
Lifetime Data Analysis. 2015, Vol. 21, 3, p. 331-352
IF = 0.8100000000000001
Košťál, Lubomír - Lánský, Petr - Pilarski, Stevan
Performance breakdown in optimal stimulus decoding
Journal of Neural Engineering. 2015, Vol. 12, 3, 036012
IF = 3.493
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