Employees list: Č Show All | A | B | Č | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | Š | T | U | V | W | Z Surname Forename Tel. E-mail Workgroup Cápal Petr +420 585 238 714 capal@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics Čáslavský Ondřej +420 241 062 457 caslavsky@ueb.cas.cz Isotope Laboratory Černá Lucie +420 225 106 827 cernal@ueb.cas.cz Plant Reproduction Laboratory Černý Radek +420 225 106 492 cerny@ueb.cas.cz Station of apple breeding for disease resistance Čeřovská Noemi +420 225 106 819 cerovska@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Virology Chmelařová Anna +420 585 238 728 chmelarova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics Christelová Pavla +420 585 238 725 christelova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics Čížková Jana +420 585 238 717 cizkova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics Čovanová Milada +420 225 106 425 covanova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants Čunátová Tereza doplnit cunatova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology Cvikrová Milena +420 225 106 409 cvikrova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds