Novel silica-based Ho -doped nanomaterials for 2-μm-class fibre laser research

Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation

Principal investigator: Dr. Ing. Ivan Kašík

Members: Ing. Jan Aubrecht, Ph.D.; Vladimír Bobuský; Dr. Ing. Pavel Honzátko; RNDr. Jan Lorinčík, CSc.; Ing. Jan Mrázek, Ph.D.; Ing. Pavel Peterka, Ph.D.; Ing. Ondřej Podrazký, Ph.D.;

From: 2014-01-01

To: 2016-12-31

Progress of fibre lasers and amplifiers reflect general public demands for “clean energy”, energy savings and advanced photonics systems. Progress of their output power and efficiency and shift of their emission further to infrared region belong to nowaday’s scientific challenges. “2-μm-class” fibre (“eye-safe”) lasers based on Ho- or Tm- doped silica fibers can answer the call. The project is focused on methods of preparation of novel Ho- doped nanoparticles embedded in matrices of silica-based fibres with the aim to enhance luminescence of the prepared materials at around 2.0 μm making highly efficient performance of Ho- fibre laser feasible. Novel materials based on doped titanate (HoxY1-x)2 Ti2O7 and YAG ((HoxY1-x)3 Al5O12) nanoparticles will be prepared and incorporated into fibre core keeping distribution of rare-earth in atomic as well as in macroscopic scale homogeneous. The main results of the project will be an extension of fundamental knowledge of conceptual approaches to preparation of novel (nano)materials, optical fibres and 2- μm-class fibre lasers.


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