Secretariat of director
IT Centre under authority of deputy director of IEB (martinecueb [dot] cas [dot] cz (dr. Jan Martinec))
Includes library of IEB (klierueb [dot] cas [dot] cz (ing. David Klier)) and IT team (nulicek
ueb [dot] cas [dot] cz (Josef Nulíček), baburek
ueb [dot] cas [dot] cz (dr. Ivan Babůrek))
and reprographic services.
Basic information about ASUCH net are here (, in Czech).
head of the laboratoryscientist
- RNDr. Jan Martinec CSc.
graduated technical assistant
- RNDr. Ivan Babůrek CSc.
- ing. David Klier
- Josef Nulíček DiS.