A database of cca 2 thousand of new municipalities that gained autonomy by fragmentation of original municipalities was developed in the framework of the two years project. Almost all new municipalities are smaller than 2 thousand of inhabitants and one half of them are smaller than 200 inhabitants. Identification of inhabitants with an independent and autonomous municipality brought the efficient and initiative elites into municipal government and changed look of rural settlements.
Data on municipalities´ cooperation in units of municipalities were gathered through an electronic questioning of the units´ leaders (512 units addressed, 158 returned) and three case studies were added. Municipalities´ association into cooperative units is related to small municipalities before all. To obtain financial sources for development is a pragmatic reason to cooperate in units; the most frequent activities of the units aim at regional development and tourism. Performance of units is dependent on external actors as region, state and EU. Unit and its organs, similar to organs of municipality self-government, are political platform for negotiation, persuasion and consensus reaching; situation where following only individual interests bring a loss to all, has to be solved. Unit of municipalities is a new political organization of local community. Material conditions should be accommodated to this position. Leaders of units prefer autonomy of municipality and an attainment of public administration effectiveness through cooperation in municipalities unit.
Project publications (total 6, displaying 1 - 6)
This study examines two processes that public administration went through at the local level beginning in the early 1990s: a process whereby municpalities were broken up into autonomous units, and a process whereby these autonomous municipalities voluntarily came together to form cooperative groups or unions of municipalities.
The chapter sums up findings of research carried out in different countries on the relationship between community size and the effectiveness of local government, of municipal economy, local democracy and local economic development. It adresses itself to the question of integration of municipalities and discusses the different forms of integration foreseen by the Czech legislation.
Description of a process of municipalities disintegration during 90’s in the CR that happened as an effect of political changes. Basic information covers: 2199 new municipalities emerged as a result of division of 1032 municipalities. Disintegration touched small municipalities mainly; 65 % municipalites had up to 2 th. inhabitants before the division. The new municipalities have been almost all small, 99 % have had fewer than 2 th. and one half even up to 200 inhabitants.
Review of the forms of inter-municipality cooperation in some European countries.
As the municipalities were disintegrated into autonomous territorial units there simultaneously emerged the first groupings of municipalities, the purpose of which was cooperation to achieve common aims. There are several hundred of such groupings in 2005. In order to obtain information on the unions and how thay function and on the attitudes of representatives of such unions an electronic survey was conducted among them.
The chapter analyses information about cooperation between municipalities published in mentioned magazines between January 2001 and September 2005. General information about both magazines and about published contributions are presented. Main attention is focused to areas of cooperation and its evaluation. Short comparison of both magazines with respect to main topic of interest is given in the last part of the chapter.