
8 Nov 2016

Zveme Vás na výstavu Klamárium: Co prozrazují zrakové klamy o lidské mysli,

kterou připravil Psychologický ústav AV ČR. Výstava probíhá od 1. listopadu 2016 do 9. května 2017 v brněnském VIDA! science centru. Snahou výstavy tvořené zhruba 30 exponáty je na příkladu klamů návštěvníkům demonstrovat a vysvětlit některé obecné principy zrakového vnímání. Více se dozvíte na stránkách

2 Nov 2016

Právě vyšla Československá psychologie s č. 5.

Její empirické studie jsou věnovány dopingu u českých adolescentů a vyhoření u českých lékařů a lékařek. Metodická rubrika představuje čtenářům slovenskou verzi Testu prosociálného morálného uvažovania a českou verzi dotazníku Patient Health Questionnaire-9.

24 Oct 2016

Zveme Vás na přednášku "Co je to psychologický test",

kterou v rámci Týdne vědy a techniky AV ČR přednese profesor Tomáš Urbánek v literární kavárně knihkupectví Academia Brno v úterý 8.11.2016 od 17:00 do 18:30 hodin (detail).

20 Oct 2016

Meeting Philip G. Zimbardo

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Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Chrz, Ph.D.

Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Hybernská 8, 110 00 Praha, ČR
Tel.: +420 221 403 902


Current scientific interests

  • narrative psychology
  • interpretation in qualitative research
  • psychology of art



1996 - 1998 Ph.D. study program (general and pedagogical psychology)
Dept. of Psychology, Philosophical faculty, Charles University, Prague
1987 - 1995 MA study program (general psychology)
Dept. of Psychology, Philosophical faculty, Charles University, Prague


Professional practice

since 1995 research associate at the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
since 2000 lecturer at Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague


Research projects

2012 - 2014 Complexity as an expression of the psychological life of an individual (Grant agency of Czech Republic)
2009 - 2011 Analysis of TAT stories: qualitative and quantitative approaches (Grant agency of Czech Republic)
2006 - 2008 Analysis of text as research and diagnostic tool (Grant agency of Czech Republic)
2002 - 2004 Stability, variability, and prediction of psychical characteristics in adulthood: continuing a longitudinal research of children (Grant agency of Academy of Sciences)
2000 - 2001 Narrative construction of identity (Grant agency of Academy of Sciences)
1997 - 1998 Metaphorical conceptualization of political problematic (Grant agency of Academy of Sciences)




Selected publications

Chrz, V. (1996): Psychology of metaphor I: Metaphor from the standpoint of psychology of unconsciousness, neobehaviorism and neogestaltism (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie,  40, 2, 103-114.

Chrz, V. (1996): Psychology of metaphor II: Metaphor from the standpoint of cognitive psychology (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie, 40, 3, 217-227.

Chrz, V. (1999). Metaphors in politics (in Czech). PsU AV CR, Praha, 169 p.

Chrz, V. (2000): Cognitive function metaphors in politics (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie, 44, 1, 11-25.

Čermák, I.,  Chrz, V. (2005): What is Life Story Genre? In: N. Kelly, Ch. Horrocks, K. Milnes, B. Roberts, D. Robinson (eds.): Narrative Memory and Everyday Life, University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield, 49-57.

Chrz, V., Čermák, I. (2005): Genres of stories we live by (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie, 49, 6, 481-495

Chrz, V., Čermák, I., Plachá, V. (2006): Understanding the experience of patients with breast cancer: the narrative approach (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie (2006), 50, 6, 507-521.

Chrz, V., Čermák, I., Plachá, V. (2006): Cancer, Finitude and Life Configuration. In: K. Milnes, Ch. Horrocks, N. Kelly, B. Roberts, D. Robinson (eds.): Narrative, Memory and Knowledge. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield, 149-158.

Chrz, V., Čermák, I. (2007): Genre as a tool of interpretation. The individual in the context of culture. Ceskoslovenska psychologie. Supplement, 51, 70-79.

Čermák I., Chrz, V., Zábrodská, K. (2007): "4.48 Psychosis" as a Suicide Note of Sarah Kane? In: D. Robinson, N. Kelly, K. Milnes (eds.): Narrative and Memory. University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield, 111-119.

Chrz, V. (2007): Potential of Narrative Approach in Psychological Research (in Czech). PsU AV CR, Praha, 152 p.

Chrz, V., Čermák, I. (2008):  „Ordinary Life“ as Polyphonic Composition. In D. Robinson, P. Fisher, N. Gilzean, T. Lee, S.J. Robinson, P. Woodcock (eds.) Narratives and Fictions: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Huddersfield, University of Huddersfield, 1-8.

Hiles, D., Čermák, I., Chrz, V. (2009) Narrative Oriented Inquiry: A Dynamic Framework for Good Practice. In: Robinson, D., Fisher, P., Yeadon-Lee, T., Robinson, S.J., Woodcock, P. (eds.), Narrative, Memory, and Identities. Huddersfield, University of Huddersfield, 53-65.

Chrz, V. (2009): Narrative imagination and metaphor (in Czech). Ceskoslovenska psychologie, 53, 4, 325-335.

Hiles, D.R., Cermák, I. & Chrz, V. (2010): Exploring human narrative intelligence with NOI. Chapter 8 in: D. Robinson, P. Fisher, T. Yeadon-Lee, S.J. Robinson, & P. Woodcock (eds.), Narrative, Memory and Ordinary Lives. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press, p.107-121.

Chrz, V. (2010) Genre as tool of interpretation (in Czech). In: Miovský, M., Čermák, I., Chrz, V. (eds.) Art in science and science in art: Methodological imaginations. Praha, Grada, 295-314.

Chrz, V. (2010) Dialogical acting: the search for conceptual framework (in Czech). Biograf, 51, 65-87.

Chrz, V. (2010) Constitutive contradictions of dialogical acting and their anthropological generalization (in Czech). Theatralia, 13, 2, 56-77.