International Workshop series


Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians

in Quantum Physics


Meeting #1 took place, during June 16-17, 2003,
in Villa Lanna in Prague, Czech Republic.

and its PROCEEDINGS will appear soon.

Its participants

(as well as anybody else) are invited to click, in retrospective, to the Workshop's

A note for late-comers: The texts for proceedings

should be
prepared in LaTeX (with pictures in ps-file form)
with recommended use of the (zipped) template file and more detailed instructions which may be found

Their contract after-deadline electronic submission by e-mail
to the address is to be used.

Its receipt will be confirmed by email.

All the presented talks of 20, 30 and 40 minutes in length will be given, with a certain benevolent flexibility, the space of 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 journal pages, respectively.
All the contributions will be refereed.

As already mentioned, the final form of proceedings is expected to appear as the January issue of the
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
in the year 2004.

return upwards


by e-mail:

ordinary mail:
Miloslav Znojil

250 68 Czech Republic

or wire:
Fax : +420 - 220 940 165
Phone : +420 - 266 173 286 (office) or +420 - 315 684 162 (home, recording)

return upwards

updated on September 23rd, 2003