Epistemologie prostorů a míst / Epistemologies of Spaces and Places 


Tematické studie

Epistemologies of Spaces and Places: An Introduction Abstrakt PDF
Radim Hladík 3-13
From Near to Far: Maria Short and the Places and Spaces of Science in Edinburgh from 1736 to 1850 Abstrakt PDF
Alison Reiko Loader 15-47
The Museum on the Edge of Forever Abstrakt PDF
Jenny Walklate 49-76
Contesting Knowledge, Contested Space: Language, Place, and Power in Derek Walcott’s Colonial Schoolhouse Abstrakt PDF
Ben Jefferson 77-103
Non-home: A Theoretical Approach to Migrants' Dwellings Abstrakt PDF
Magdalena Łukasiuk, Marcin Jewdokimow 105-124
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