The Galactic center and the growth of black holes

Cologne-Prague-Kiel Workshop 2015

September 14 – 18, 2015

Prague participants

V. Karas (ASCR), O. Kopacek (ASCR), J. Hamersky (ASCR/Charles University), M. Zajacek (ASCR/UCO)

Scientific program

The Workshop will be held during the Annual Assembly of the German Astronomical Society (AG). Apart from informal discussions there will be oral presentations and posters.
  • Galactic center. This year is the first year after peri-apsis of the Dusty S-Cluster Object (DSO/G2). The meeting will highlight a number of observational and theoretical papers and results on that topic.
  • Accretion-Driven Black Hole Growth. In all likelihood, accretion is the dominant contributor to black hole mass growth and thus the observable brightness of their immediate environment. The growth time scale is then driven by a delicate balance between the viscosity of the material, which drives accretion, and the the action of the Eddington limit, which limits accretion but gives rise to mass loss from the central region.


There will be a conference fee of 150 Eur towards organizational costs of the AG Assembly.


Physics Center of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany)
Further information