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RECRUITMENT - Several POSTDOC positions (dead line for application - 10.1.2017)

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., offers:

***** Postdoctoral position – Lung surfactant under oxidative stress – MD simulations *****

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the group of Dr. hab. Lukasz Cwiklik at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. The postdoctoral fellow will use periodic classical molecular dynamics for in silico modelling of structural and dynamic properties of the lung surfactant under oxidative stress. The position requires a strong scientific background in computational chemistry (both classical and ab initio methods), computational biophysics (experience in classical MD simulations of lipid systems) as well as programming skills. The project will be realized in a direct collaboration with experimentalists.

The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics.

Interested individuals should send an e-mail containing application form with CV, brief summary of previous research, list of publications and names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.

Contact person:
Dr hab. Lukasz Cwiklik
Department of Theoretical Chemistry
web page: http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~cwiklik

Please submit the completed application (form - see in attached file) till January 10, 2017:

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague 8
Czech Republic
E-mail: directoratjh-inst.cas.cz

The J. Heyrovsky Institute is located in the beautiful and safe city of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic). Prague offers outstanding opportunities for culture and entertainment.

***** Two Postdoctoral positions - Single molecule fluorescence of amyloidogenic proteins *****

Two postdoctoral positions are available starting 1.4. 2017 in the group of Prof. Martin Hof at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

The postdoctoral fellows will mainly use the methods of single molecule fluorescence including fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), single particle tracking (SPT) combined with TIRF illumination, and “thinning Out Clusters while Conserving the Stoichiometry of Labelling” (SPT-TOCCSL) to characterize the agrregation of the amyloidogenic peptides. Moreover, other fluorescence techniques like steady state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and high –resolution microscopy techniques (PALM, STED combined with FCCS) will be utilized during the project. The preparation and handling of the samples will also require biochemical treatments, therefore the advanced experience in this field is expected.

The applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics and have extended experience in single molecule fluorescence (if possible also TIRF microscopy, STED, and SPT) and biochemistry.

Interested individuals should send an e-mail containing application form with CV, brief summary of previous research, list of publications and names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.

Contact person:
Prof. Martin Hof
Departmet of Biophysical Chemistry.

Please submit the completed application (form - see in attached file) till January 10, 2017:

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague 8
Czech Republic
E-mail: directoratjh-inst.cas.cz

The J. Heyrovsky Institute is located in the beautiful and safe city of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic). Prague offers outstanding opportunities for culture and entertainment.


***** Postdoctoral position – Preparation and experimental study of cationic centers in zeolites *****

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the group of Dr. Jiri Dedecek
at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
The postdoctoral fellow will use multispectroscopic approach to study the structure, reactivity, catalytic activity and properties of zeolite based materials. The scientific work will be done in a close collaboration with theoretical team providing modeling of active sites based on results of experimental studies. The position requires a strong scientific background in physical chemistry - experience with application of spectroscopic techniques on catalysts and insight to zeolite chemistry.

The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics.

Interested individuals should send an e-mail containing application form with CV, brief summary of previous research, list of publications and names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.

Contact person:
Dr. Jiri Dedecek, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis

Please submit the completed application (form - see in attached file) till January 10, 2017:

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague 8
Czech Republic
E-mail: directoratjh-inst.cas.cz

The J. Heyrovsky Institute is located in the beautiful and safe city of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic). Prague offers outstanding opportunities for culture and entertainment.

***** Postdoctoral position - MD and QM/MM modeling of enzyme catalysis *****

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the group of Dr. Eva Pluhařová
at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
The postdoctoral fellow will use various computational approaches ranging from QM/MM to classical MD simulations coupled with enhanced sampling techniques to model a lipase catalyzed reaction in organic solvents. The position requires a strong scientific background in theoretical chemistry and modelling of biomolecules. Experience with both applied quantum and classical MD program packages is an advantage.

The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics.

Interested individuals should send an e-mail containing application form with CV, brief summary of previous research, list of publications and names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.

Contact person:
Eva Pluhařová, Ph.D.
Department of Theoretical Chemistry
web page: https://pluharova.wordpress.com/about/

Please submit the completed application (form - see in attached file) till January 10, 2017:

J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Dolejškova 3, 182 23 Prague 8
Czech Republic
E-mail: directoratjh-inst.cas.cz

The J. Heyrovsky Institute is located in the beautiful and safe city of Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic). Prague offers outstanding opportunities for culture and entertainment.

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