Department of Nonlinear Modelling

The working group of nonlinear modeling focuses on modeling of complex processes, especially in the field of environmental informatics, often overlapping into energy and transport. In addressing these topics we use a combination of mathematical models and information from measurements, both of which suffer from uncertainty and errors. The results of our research are often not only theoretical but they lead to solving real-world problems and have their applications in practice.

Our Research Area

The area of our research is inherently interdisciplinary, more specifically it consists of mathematical modeling, mathematical statistics and environmental informatics. Within the broad spectrum of the topics it involves:

  • methods of modeling and forecasting weather and air-quality (project MEDARD)
  • assimilation methods for high-dimensional data
  • modeling of energy producing and natural gas consumption
  • transportation modeling
  • statistical modeling and inference for complex data


  • MEDARD (Meteorological and Environmental Data Assimilating system for Regional Domains)
  • Advanced random field methods in data assimilation for short-term weather prediction (Czech Science Foundation)
  • Increasing the usage of parking capacity on highways using prediction models (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic)
  • Advanced methods for energy production forecasting by photovoltaic systems using high reso-lution NWP models (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)
  • Mathematical modelling of natural gas consumption for small and middle clients (Czech Gas Association, RWE)


Selected publications

Department members

Secretarial support