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Post-doc position (Department of Neurophysiology of Memory)

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (www.fgu.cas.cz/en) announces a call for applications for a post-doc position at the Department of Neurophysiology of Memory. The position will be available for 3 years.


About us

Our department has been involved in learning, memory and cognitive functions studies for a long time. For instance, spatial orientation is now considered a type of so-called declarative memory (the ability to remember facts and events). This capability is dominantly affected in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, obsessive-compulsive disorder or schizophrenia. These are conditions for which we do not know details of their physiology, so we actually treat only symptoms but not causes. Using neuroanatomical, neuro-pharmacological, cellular, molecular, and behavioral approaches we investigate brain function in relation to behavior, both in health and disease. In an intense collaboration, we also work on development of novel therapeutics focused on the brain diseases. The Department belongs to the leaders of neurophysiology of spatial navigation research worldwide (see http://memory.biomed.cas.cz).


Your project

We search for a highly motivated post-doc who will conduct optogenetic manipulations to explore cross-talk between neural structures and circuits in animal models of brain disorders. The main aim of this postdoctoral project is to establish a causative role of hippocampal-prefrontal connection in relation to function of inhibitory interneurons in animal models of schizophrenia. Parvalbumine-positive (PV+) fast-spiking interneurons keep an optimal level of pyramidal cell excitation within the HPC-mPFC network to maintain functional communication with the mPFC. To control activity of PV cells, optogenetic approach using Cre-loxP system will be used, with transgenic rodents expressing Cre recombinase specifically in PV interneurons. Light activated opsins will be delivered to brain tissue via injection of an adeno-associated virus (AAV) system with Cre-dependent expression, ensuring they will be expressed only on PV cells. Animals will be tested in Carousel maze apparatus, which allows for dissociation of spatial cues into two streams, enabling evaluation of cognitive coordination and cognitive flexibility including reversal learning and set-shifting. A postdoc is expected to apply for domestic and international funding opportunities.


Your profile

We look for a highly-motivated candidate with a PhD degree, who is fluent in English, has extensive hand-on experience with optogenetics, animal surgery and behavioral testing. Experience with electrophysiology and MatLab programming is a great plus. Full dedication to research work, sociability, communication skills, teamwork abilities are required. An applicant should provide two letters of recommendation from renowned scientists


We offer work in young, friendly and dynamic team at a renowned institution in a vibrant and historically unique city of Prague and an opportunity to apply for Czech and international grant projects. A competitive salary of 40 000 CZK/month (approximately 1 500 Euro/month) will be guaranteed as a minimum for three years. Inexpensive housing and living expenses, contact with specific Czech culture.


Application deadline is two months from the date of publication of the advertisement. Recommendation letters of two independent academic referees.


Submission of the following documents to the following addresses: fgu@fgu.cas.cz  and ales.stuchlik@fgu.cas.cz.