Paracorymbia maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)
[= Leptura maculicornis De Geer, 1775]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
[= Leptura maculicornis De Geer, 1775]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Body length: 7 - 10 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: May - August Host plant: polyphagous in coniferous and deciduous trees (Pinus, Picea, Betula, Abies etc.) Distribution: Europe except some southern regions, Caucasus
The beetles in the pictures were collected on flowers in Zbečno and Broumy (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic).Collected by M.Hoskovec

[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Subfamilia: Lepturinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Lepturini Latreille, 1802
Genus: Paracorymbia Miroshnikov, 1998
Species: Paracorymbia maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)