program pdf
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
9h00 Registration and payment of fees
9h30 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University Prague and Vice-Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Session I
Moderator: David Holeton
10h00 Phillip Haberkern: The Rubrics of Reformation: The Czech Lands and Narratives of Religious Change
10h30 Lucie Mazalová: Antiteze v díle Jana Husa
11h00 Discussion
11h15 Coffee
Session II
Moderator: Petr Hlaváček
11h45 Ole Fredrik Kullerud: Matěj of Janov's understanding of Eucharist sacrifice, particularly in Regulae veteris et novi testamenti V, 7
12h15 Martin Dekarli: Dvě interpretace Ef 6,16 v dějinách české reformace – Jeroným Pražský a Jan Hus
12h45 Discussion
13h00 Luncheon
Session III
Moderator: Peter Morée
15h00 Pavlína Cermanová: Co četl Mikuláš z Pelhřimova, když psal svůj výklad na Janovo Zjevení?
15h30 Reid Weber: Anti-Judaism in the Bohemian Reformation: Jan Hus and the "Spectral Jew"
16h00 Discussion
16h15 Coffee
Session IV
Moderator: Pavlína Cermanová
17h15 Dan Török: Citace z knihy Žalmů v Husově Postile
17h45 Christina Traxler: Biblical hermeneutics in Johannes Gerson's treatise De necessaria communione laicorum sub utraque specie (1417) and in Petrus de Pulka's, Bartholomaeus de Ebraco's and Jacobus de Clavaro's Tractatus contra quattuor articulos Hussitarum (1424)
18h15 Discussion
18h30 Reception (A Glass of Wine)
Thursday 16 June
Session V
Moderator: Pavel Kolář
10h00 Jan Odstrčilík: Potkávání utrakvismu a katolicismu v rkp. Mk 91 Moravské zemské knihovny v Brně
10h30 Amy Nelson Burnett: The Hussite Background to the Sixteenth Century Eucharistic Controversy
11h00 Discussion
11h15 Coffee
Session VI
Moderator: Amy Nelson Burnett
11h30 Martin Pjecha: Jakoubek of Stříbro and some intellectual developments for Táborite violence
12h00 Discussion
12h15 Luncheon
Session VII
Moderator: Jan Odstrčilík
14h00 Thomas Fudge: Jerome of Prague's Rejoinder to the "Croaking of Frogs and Toads in Medieval Swamps"
14h30 Ota Pavlíček: Jeroným Pražský: Vytěžené téma bez badatelských perspektiv?
15h00 Discussion
15h15 Tea
Session VIII
Moderator: Thomas Fudge
15h45 Lisa Scott: Between Politics and Religion: Dividing Lines between Parties at Fifteenth Century Bohemian Assemblies
16h15 Peter Morée: The Commemoration of Jerome of Prague in Modern History
16h45 Discussion
17h15 Book Presentation
18h00 Drinks Party and Buffet
Friday 17 June
Session IX
Moderator: Zdeněk V. David
10h00 Petr Hlaváček: Český mesianismus v době poděbradské a jagellonské
10h30 Pavel Kolář: Svátek Corpus Christi v liturgickém díle Tobiáše Závorky Lipenského
11h00 Discussion
11h15 Luncheon
Session X
Moderator: Phillip Haberkern
13h15 Laura Lisy-Wagner: Inter-Confessional Politics, the Christian Knight, and Antialkorán
13h45 Zdeněk V. David: Religious Contacts between Bohemia and England during the Bohemian Reformation
14h15 Discussion
14h30 Coffee
14h45 Business Meeting: Moderators: David Holeton, Zdeněk David