Příští přednáška
středa, 7. prosince 2016, od 10:00, konferenční sál B
Iron. Static and "dynamic" phase diagrams
and transformation kinetics.
Prof. Eugene B. Zaretsky
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel
Osnova přednášky:
Our civilization is closely acquainted with iron for some 4500 years, iron polymorphism is known for some 100 years, and it is some 50 years since the iron static phase (P,T) diagram has been established with reasonable accuracy.
The talk describes some recent experimental results aimed to establishing the borders of existence of iron phases when the iron is compressed by shock. Such "dynamic" phase diagram is found to differ strongly from the static one, i.e. the shock-generated metastable phase can subsist for a time longer than the experiment duration (microseconds) while the time required for the phase formation (transformation kinetics) is extremely short, few tens of nanoseconds.