An important part of multi-level governance, regional self-administration has undergone many changes in recent decades both in the old and new democracies, with European integration playing a major role. In the Czech Republic regional self-administration was built from scratch at the turn of the millennium, and a signicant portion of regional political elites came from local politics. Unlike local politics, however, non-party members are almost completely excluded from regional self-administration. The project builds on international research projects POLLEADER and MAELG and will be a part of international survey of regional representatives. It will concentrate on regional councillors recruitment and political trajectories (including the career end of the rst generation of regional politicians), their professionalisation, internal dierentiation and regional dierences. In addition to political parties, cumulation of oces and political ambitions will be explored. Opinions of reform measures and how councillors perceive their roles will also be examined.
Project publications (total 3, displaying 1 - 3)
V kapitole se věnujeme těm, kteří žijí nejen "pro", ale také "z" politiky a druhé úrovní místních samospráv (v ČR míněny kraje). Zajímáme se o to, kolik času zastupitelé, kteří se věnují politice "naplno" věnují záležitostem kraje a které faktory ovlivňují to, zda se z laika stane či nestane politický profesionál.
The goal of this chapter is to identify and describe the main discursive strategies that are used by political parties’ manifestos in Czech regional elections in 2012. The chapter looks at textual differences between strong well-established parties and the newly successful Communist party and unsatisfied regional parties and movements. The methodical approach to this research is combination of quantitative content analysis and qualitative discursive analysis.
This article deals with the factors influencing the degree of trust in political institutions at three levels of government in the Czech Republic (national, regional and local) in two dissimilar regions in the time of economic crisis in 2009, the year when citizens of the Czech Republic experienced the negative impacts of growing unemployment and a substantial decline in real GDP. Two competitive theories - the cultural and the performance explanation - were used as a theoretical framework.