Pro uchazeče o zaměstnání

Odborný pracovník výzkumu a vývoje - výzkum polovodičových nanostruktur

Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici odborného pracovníka výzkumu a vývoje ve výzkumném týmu Příprava a charakterizace nanomateriálů pro projekty zaměřené na výzkum polovodičových nanostruktur. 



  • Ukončené magisterské/inženýrské vzdělání chemického směru.
  • Znalost základních fyzikálních a chemických laboratorních metod.
  • Schopnost pracovat v multidisciplinárním týmu.
  • Dobrá znalost anglického jazyka.


Náplň práce:

  • Příprava polovodičových nanostruktur se zaměřením na hydrotermální růst nanostruktur ZnO. Návrh vhodných chemických prekurzorů. Optimalizace reaktorů s kontinuálním průtokem.
  • Využití elektroforetické depozice a metod sol-gel pro přípravu zárodečných vrstev pro růst nanostruktur ZnO. Žíhání vzorků v různých atmosférách.
  • Charakterizace nanostruktur elektronovou mikroskopií a mikroskopiemi využívajícími rastrující sondu.


Přihlášky se strukturovaným odborným životopisem zasílejte na e-mailovou adresu




Postdoc position in the research of bioeffects of nanosecond electric pulses

at the Bioelectrodynamics research team, Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia 


Project description

We are looking for applicants who have a desire to conduct top research in the bioelectromagnetics. The specific research project is on uncovering effects of intense pulsed nanosecond (ns) electric fields on cytoskeletal fibers with the ambitious goal of enabling future cancer treatment methods medicine and novel protein manipulation techniques in biotechnology.

As a postdoctoral researcher you will work in an interdisciplinary research team. Your primary task will be to ensure and perform physically well controlled experiments of ns pulsed electric fields on cytoskeletal fibers mostly in vitro. You will contribute also to the development and fabrication of microelectrode chips, compatible with advanced microscopy techniques, for the ns pulse treatment of cytoskeletal fibers and cells. You are expected to present your research results at international conferences and to write journal publications for highly ranked microwave, bioelectromagnetics, biotechnology, and interdisciplinary scientific journals.

Project funding is provided via Czech Science Foundation project of which your supervisor is grant holder.


The successful applicant is expected to already have a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering or Physical Engineering, or equivalent. The Ph.D. degree should be in high voltage or RF engineering. Furthermore, experience in bioelectrochemistry and in life science lab work is required. Prior wet-lab experience in cytoskeleton research and experience with numerical electromagnetic field simulators such as COMSOL Multiphysics or CST Microwave studio is of advantage.

The successful applicants should have an excellent academic track record, and well developed analytical and problem solving skills. We are looking for highly motivated young professionals, who are able to work independently as well as to be good team players. Good command of English orally and in writing is required to publish and to present results at international conferences and in international journals.

Candidate must be available to start his position from January/February 2017. The contract is for the year 2017 and extendable upon agreement.


For additional information about the position please contact Dr. Michal Cifra, team leader Bioelectrodynamics,

Lab webpage:


To apply

Please send

  • motivation letter on why you want to join the group (maximum one page)
  • resume/CV
  • list of publications
  • two letters of recommendation

to Mrs. Plasilova,, STRICTLY with the subject UFE12. Name all your documents according to Lastname_Firstname.pdf.

Postdoctoral Research-fellow position in Nano-Optics UFE-F11

The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v.v.i. in accordance with the Act No.283/1992 of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, announces an open competition for the position of (postdoctoral) research fellow in the group of Nano-optics. Successful candidate will carry out research on optical imaging of single protein dynamics funded by prestigious ERC-CZ project. 


  • Ph. D. degree in optics, optoelectronics, applied physics, or a similar field 
  • excellent publication record 
  • outstanding research experience and hands-on experimental skills in optics, preferably microscopy, plasmonics, or near-field optics
  • cross-disciplinary research interests in molecular biology or biophysics are of great advantage
  • excellent communication skills and the ability to work in a team-focused environment.

We offer:

  • Interdisciplinary working environment 
  • Unique experimental background of the Nano-optics research group 
  • creative approaches involving innovative, high-impact research topics 
  • full time employment with 5 weeks of vacation.

We ask that candidates send a structured CV containing a list of publications, at least two references, and a letter of motivation to Mrs. Plášilová ( The subject line should include UFE-F11.

The deadline for applications is 30 November, 2016. 

ÚFE provádí základní a aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti fotoniky, optoelektroniky a elektroniky. ÚFE příspívá k rozvoji poznání v těchto oblastech a vytváří širokou bázi znalostí, jako základ pro vývoj nových špičkových technologií.


+420 266 773 400
Datová schránka: m54nucy
IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882