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4 Jul 15 - 1 Feb 25
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CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: (+420) 222 222 146
e-mail: cms@flu.cas.cz

Study Room

The Study room is open from Monday to Friday 9AM-12AM and 1PM-3PM. It is possible to arrange different time with the secretary. All books and journals are available only for local use. Visitors can use computers with an internet connection, microfilm readers, printers, scanner and a copy machine. Both printing and copying is subject to a charge.

The study room is closed for public during lectures, workshops and meetings.


/ Regular workshops Winter 2014

Tuesday 9.00-10.30 workshop, M. Nodl
Tuesday 16.00-17.30 latin, J. Zachová
Tuesday 16.30-18.00 consultation, D. Foltýn
Wednesday 9.00-11.00 lecture, J. Žemlička a J. Klápště
Wednesday 14.00-15.30 workshop, J. Žemlička


/ Other closures

5. 11. 18.00 workshop, M. Novotná
6. 11. 16.30-18.00 meeting, L. Doležalová
13. 11. 13.30-16.30 FLÚ event
13. 11. jour fixe
20. 11. 10.00-12.00 event - logic
20. 11. 14.00-16.00 editorial board, Pechmanová
21. 11. 11.00-14.00 editorial board, Vybíral
25. 11. 16.00-18.00 workshop, P. Cermanová



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