Publications from institutes in the Czech Republic in the years 2009 - 2016

These publications are selected to fulfill the condition that the first affiliation of the first author is to the institute in the Czech Republic. Publications are sorted by institutes and then by journal volume.

Number of publications
Institute 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute 20  13  14  15  17  12  10  14 
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physical Chemistry
Czech Technical University Praha, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute 11 
Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science
Silesian University Opava
University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně Ústí nad Labem
University of South Bohemia České Budějovice
Total 30  25  24  34  32  23  27  33 

Lists for individual years: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, all. If you find that some publication in the mentioned years is missing, let me know to the e-mail address kubat (at), please.

List of publications


33 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

14 record(s)

Borovička, J.; Shrbený, L.; Kalenda, P.; Loskutov, N.; Brown, P.; Spurný, P.; Cooke, W.; Blaauw, R.; Moser, D. E.; Kingery, A.: A catalog of video records of the 2013 Chelyabinsk superbolide [2016A&A...585A..90B] Highlight

Vandas, M.; Romashets, E.: Toroidal linear force-free magnetic fields with axial symmetry [2016A&A...585A.108V]

Švanda, M.; Brun, A. S.; Roudier, T.; Jouve, L.: Polar cap magnetic field reversals during solar grand minima: could pores play a role? [2016A&A...586A.123S]

Kubát, J.; Kubátová, B.; Doležalová, B.; Iliev, L.; Šlechta, M.: Spectroscopy of close visual binary components of the stable shell star 1 Delphini [2016A&A...587A..22K]

Ehlerová, S.; Palouš, J.: Correlation of HI shells and CO clumps in the outer Milky Way [2016A&A...587A...5E]

Bílek, M.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Gwyn, S.; Ebrová, I.; Bartošková, K.; Jungwiert, B.; Jílková, L.: Deep imaging of the shell elliptical galaxy NGC 3923 with MegaCam [2016A&A...588A..77B]

Dzifčáková, E.; Dudík, J.; Mackovjak, Š.: Non-equilibrium ionization by a periodic electron beam. I. Synthetic coronal spectra and implications for interpretation of observations [2016A&A...589A..68D]

Heinzel, P.; Susino, R.; Jejčič, S.; Bemporad, A.; Anzer, U.: Hot prominence detected in the core of a coronal mass ejection: Analysis of SOHO/UVCS Lalpha and SOHO/LASCO visible-light observations [2016A&A...589A.128H]

Karlický, M.; Jelínek, P.: Quasi-periodic processes in the flare loop generated by sudden temperature enhancements at loop footpoints [2016A&A...590A...4K]

Vandas, M.; Karlický, M.: Shock-drift accelerated electrons and n-distribution [2016A&A...591A.127V]

Gunár, S.; Mackay, D. H.: Properties of the prominence magnetic field and plasma distributions as obtained from 3D whole-prominence fine structure modeling [2016A&A...592A..60G]

Kraus, M.; Cidale, L. S.; Arias, M. L.; Maravelias, G.; Nickeler, D. H.; Torres, A. F.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Aret, A.; Curé, M.; Vallverdú, R.; Barbá, R. H.: Inhomogeneous molecular ring around the B[e] supergiant LHA 120-S 73 [2016A&A...593A.112K]

Sobotka, M.; Dudík, J.; Denker, C.; Balthasar, H.; Jurčák, J.; Liu, W.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados Vera, M.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A.; Kneer, F.; Kuckein, C.; Lagg, A.; Louis, R. E.; von der Lühe, O.; Nicklas, H.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Sigwarth, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; Waldmann, T.: Slipping reconnection in a solar flare observed in high resolution with the GREGOR solar telescope [2016A&A...596A...1S]

Jurčák, J.; Bello González, N.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Rezaei, R.: A distinct magnetic property of the inner penumbral boundary. II. Formation of a penumbra at the expense of a pore [2016A&A...597A..60J]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

11 record(s)

Vokrouhlický, D.; Ďurech, J.; Pravec, P.; Oey, J.; Vraštil, J.; Hornoch, K.; Kušnirák, P.; Groom, R.; Warner, B. D.; Bottke, W. F.: Rotation state of 495 Eulalia and its implication [2016A&A...585A..56V]

Vraštil, J.; Vokrouhlický, D.: Low-frequency Slivan states in the outer main belt? [2016A&A...586A..61V]

Jeřábková, T.; Korčáková, D.; Miroshnichenko, A.; Danford, S.; Zharikov, S. V.; Kříček, R.; Zasche, P.; Votruba, V.; Šlechta, M.; Škoda, P.; Janík, J.: Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon. III. HD 50138 [2016A&A...586A.116J]

Ďurech, J.; Hanuš, J.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Vančo, R.: Asteroid models from the Lowell photometric database [2016A&A...587A..48D]

Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.; Kučáková, H.; Vraštil, J.; Hornoch, K.; Šmelcer, L.; Bílek, F.; Pilarčík, L.; Chrastina, M.: Substellar companions in low-mass eclipsing binaries. NSVS 01286630, NSVS 02502726, and NSVS 07453183 [2016A&A...587A..82W]

Zasche, P.; Uhlař, R.: Updated study of the quintuple system V994 Herculis [2016A&A...588A.121Z]

Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.; Vraštil, J.; Pilarčík, L.; Juryšek, J.: The first study of the light-travel time effect in massive LMC eclipsing binaries [2016A&A...590A..85Z]

Mayer, P.; Harmanec, P.; Wolf, M.; Nemravová, J.; Prša, A.; Frémat, Y.; Zejda, M.; Liška, J.; Juryšek, J.; Hoňková, K.; Mašek, M.: V346 Centauri: Early-type eclipsing binary with apsidal motion and abrupt change of orbital period [2016A&A...591A.129M]

Nemravová, J. A.; Harmanec, P.; Brož, M.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Mourard, D.; Hummel, C. A.; Cameron, C.; Matthews, J. M.; Bolton, C. T.; Božić, H.; Chini, R.; Dembsky, T.; Engle, S.; Farrington, C.; Grunhut, J. H.; Guenther, D. B.; Guinan, E. F.; Korčáková, D.; Koubský, P.; Kříček, R.; Kuschnig, R.; Mayer, P.; McCook, G. P.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Nardetto, N.; Prša, A.; Ribeiro, J.; Rowe, J.; Ruciński, S.; Škoda, P.; Šlechta, M.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; Votruba, V.; Weiss, W. W.; Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.; Zavala, R. T.: ξ Tauri: a unique laboratory to study the dynamic interaction in a compact hierarchical quadruple system [2016A&A...594A..55N]

Žižka, J.; Galád, A.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Pravec, P.; Kušnirák, P.; Hornoch, K.: Asteroids 87887 - 415992: the youngest known asteroid pair? [2016A&A...595A..20Z]

Cibulková, H.; Ďurech, J.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Kaasalainen, M.; Oszkiewicz, D. A.: Distribution of spin-axes longitudes and shape elongations of main-belt asteroids [2016A&A...596A..57C]

FEL ČVUT Praha (Czech Technical University Praha, Faculty of Electrical Engineering)

1 record(s)

Caballero-García, M. D.; Camero-Arranz, A.; Özbey Arabaci, M.; Zurita, C.; Suso, J.; Gutiérrez-Soto, J.; Beklen, E.; Kiaeerad, F.; Garrido, R.; Hudec, R.: Activity from the Be/X-ray binary system V0332+53 during its intermediate-luminosity outburst in 2008 [2016A&A...589A...9C]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

1 record(s)

Stuchlík, Z.; Kološ, M.: Models of quasi-periodic oscillations related to mass and spin of the GRO J1655-40 black hole [2016A&A...586A.130S]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

6 record(s)

Netopil, M.; Paunzen, E.; Heiter, U.; Soubiran, C.: On the metallicity of open clusters. III. Homogenised sample [2016A&A...585A.150N]

Liška, J.; Skarka, M.; Mikulášek, Z.; Zejda, M.; Chrastina, M.: New analysis of the light time effect in TU Ursae Majoris [2016A&A...589A..94L]

Fišák, J.; Krtička, J.; Munzar, D.; Kubát, J.: Rayleigh scattering in the atmospheres of hot stars [2016A&A...590A..95F]

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.; Krtičková, I.: Stellar wind models of subluminous hot stars [2016A&A...593A.101K]

Krtička, J.: The nature of the light variability of magnetic Of?p star HD 191612 [2016A&A...594A..75K]

Zychová, L.; Ehlerová, S.: Colliding interstellar bubbles in the direction of l = 54° [2016A&A...595A..49Z]


27 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

10 record(s)

Marin, F.; Dovčiak, M.: X-ray polarization fluctuations induced by cloud eclipses in active galactic nuclei [2015A&A...573A..60M]

Schwartz, P.; Heinzel, P.; Kotrč, P.; Fárník, F.; Kupryakov, Yu. A.; DeLuca, E. E.; Golub, L.: Total mass of six quiescent prominences estimated from their multi-spectral observations [2015A&A...574A..62S]

Čechura, J.; Hadrava, P.: Stellar wind in state transitions of high-mass X-ray binaries [2015A&A...575A...5C] Highlight

Bílek, M.; Jungwiert, B.; Ebrová, I.; Bartošková, K.: MOND implications for spectral line profiles of shell galaxies: shell formation history and mass-velocity scaling relations [2015A&A...575A..29B]

Šimon, V.: The intermediate polar GK Persei: An unstable relation of the X-ray and the optical intensities in a series of outbursts [2015A&A...575A..65S]

Švanda, M.: Issues with time-distance inversions for supergranular flows [2015A&A...575A.122S]

Marin, F.; Muleri, F.; Soffitta, P.; Karas, V.; Kunneriath, D.: Reflection nebulae in the Galactic center: soft X-ray imaging polarimetry [2015A&A...576A..19M]

Marin, F.; Goosmann, R. W.; Gaskell, C. M.: Modeling optical and UV polarization of AGNs. III. From uniform-density to clumpy regions [2015A&A...577A..66M]

Vojáček, V.; Borovička, J.; Koten, P.; Spurný, P.; Štork, R.: Catalogue of representative meteor spectra [2015A&A...580A..67V]

Vandas, M.; Romashets, E.: Comparative study of a constant-alpha force-free field and its approximations in an ideal toroid [2015A&A...580A.123V]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

3 record(s)

Mészáros, A.; Řípa, J.: On the relation between the non-flat cosmological models and the elliptic integral of first kind [2015A&A...573A..54M]

Harmanec, P.; Koubský, P.; Nemravová, J. A.; Royer, F.; Briot, D.; North, P.; Lampens, P.; Frémat, Y.; Yang, S.; Božić, H.; Kotková, L.; Škoda, P.; Šlechta, M.; Korčáková, D.; Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.: Properties and nature of Be stars. 30. Reliable physical properties of a semi-detached B9.5e+G8III binary BR CMi = HD 61273 compared to those of other well studied semi-detached emission-line binaries [2015A&A...573A.107H]

Klement, R.; Carciofi, A. C.; Rivinius, Th.; Panoglou, D.; Vieira, R. G.; Bjorkman, J. E.; Štefl, S.; Tycner, C.; Faes, D. M.; Korčáková, D.; Müller, A.; Zavala, R. T.; Curé, M.: Multitechnique testing of the viscous decretion disk model. I. The stable and tenuous disk of the late-type Be star β CMi [2015A&A...584A..85K]

PřF JU České Budějovice (University of South Bohemia České Budějovice)

1 record(s)

Jelínek, P.; Srivastava, A. K.; Murawski, K.; Kayshap, P.; Dwivedi, B. N.: Spectroscopic observations and modelling of impulsive Alfvén waves along a polar coronal jet [2015A&A...581A.131J]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

2 record(s)

Šrámková, E.; Török, G.; Kotrlová, A.; Bakala, P.; Abramowicz, M. A.; Stuchlík, Z.; Goluchová, K.; Kluźniak, W.: Black hole spin inferred from 3:2 epicyclic resonance model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations [2015A&A...578A..90S]

Bakala, P.; Goluchová, K.; Török, G.; Šrámková, E.; Abramowicz, M. A.; Vincent, F. H.; Mazur, G. P.: Twin peak high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations as a spectral imprint of dual oscillation modes of accretion tori [2015A&A...581A..35B]

ÚFA AV ČR Praha (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Atmospheric Physics)

1 record(s)

Krupar, V.; Kontar, E. P.; Souček, J.; Santolík, O.; Maksimović, M.; Kruparova, O.: On the speed and acceleration of electron beams triggering interplanetary type III radio bursts [2015A&A...580A.137K]

ÚFCh AV ČR Praha (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physical Chemistry)

1 record(s)

Kubelík, P.; Civiš, S.; Pastorek, A.; Zanozina, E. M.; Chernov, V. E.; Juha, L.; Voronina, A. A.: FTIR laboratory measurement of Ne i Rydberg states in 1.43-14.3 mum spectral range [2015A&A...582A..12K]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

9 record(s)

Krtička, J.; Kurfurst, P.; Krtičková, I.: Magnetorotational instability in decretion disks of critically rotating stars and the outer structure of Be and Be/X-ray disks [2015A&A...573A..20K]

Paunzen, E.; Fröhlich, H.-E.; Netopil, M.; Weiss, W. W.; Lüftinger, T.: The CoRoT chemical peculiar target star HD 49310 [2015A&A...574A..57P]

Paunzen, E.; Netopil, M.; Rode-Paunzen, M.; Handler, G.; Božić, H.: The Hvar survey for roAp stars. II. Final results [2015A&A...575A..24P]

Krtička, J.; Mikulášek, Z.; Lüftinger, T.; Jagelka, M.: Visual and ultraviolet flux variability of the bright CP star theta Aurigae [2015A&A...576A..82K]

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.; Krtičková, I.: X-ray irradiation of the winds in binaries with massive components [2015A&A...579A.111K]

Paunzen, E.: A new catalogue of Strömgren-Crawford uvbybeta photometry [2015A&A...580A..23P]

Netopil, M.; Paunzen, E.; Carraro, G.: A comparative study on the reliability of open cluster parameters [2015A&A...582A..19N]

Mikulášek, Z.: Phenomenological modelling of eclipsing system light curves [2015A&A...584A...8M]

Prvák, M.; Liška, J.; Krtička, J.; Mikulášek, Z.; Lüftinger, T.: Modelling of variability of the chemically peculiar star ϕ Draconis [2015A&A...584A..17P]


23 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

12 record(s)

Karlický, M.: Frequency variations of solar radio zebras and their power-law spectra [2014A&A...561A..34K]

Heinzel, P.; Zapiór, M.; Oliver, R.; Ballester, J. L.: Synthetic hydrogen spectra of prominence oscillations [2014A&A...562A.103H]

Spurný, P.; Shrbený, L.; Borovička, J.; Koten, P.; Vojáček, V.; Štork, R.: Bright Perseid fireball with exceptional beginning height of 170 km observed by different techniques [2014A&A...563A..64S] Highlight Press release

Heinzel, P.; Vial, J.-C.; Anzer, U.: On the formation of Mg II h and k lines in solar prominences [2014A&A...564A.132H]

Zajaček, M.; Karas, V.; Eckart, A.: Dust-enshrouded star near supermassive black hole: predictions for high-eccentricity passages near low-luminosity galactic nuclei [2014A&A...565A..17Z]

Sidorin, V.; Douglas, K. A.; Palouš, J.; Wünsch, R.; Ehlerová, S.: Exploring GLIMPSE bubble N107. Multiwavelength observations and simulations [2014A&A...565A...6S]

Bílek, M.; Bartošková, K.; Ebrová, I.; Jungwiert, B.: MOND prediction of a new giant shell in the elliptical galaxy NGC 3923 [2014A&A...566A.151B]

Koubský, P.; Kotková, L.; Kraus, M.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.; Harmanec, P.; Wolf, M.; Votruba, V.; Kubát, J.; Kubátová, B.; Niemczura, E.; Škoda, P.: HD 161306: a radiatively interacting Be binary? [2014A&A...567A..57K]

Berlicki, A.; Heinzel, P.: Observations and NLTE modeling of Ellerman bombs [2014A&A...567A.110B]

Čapek, D.: Rotation of cometary meteoroids [2014A&A...568A..39C]

Nickeler, D. H.; Karlický, M.; Wiegelmann, T.; Kraus, M.: Self-consistent stationary MHD shear flows in the solar atmosphere as electric field generators [2014A&A...569A..44N]

Spurný, P.; Haloda, J.; Borovička, J.; Shrbený, L.; Halodová, P.: Reanalysis of the Benesov bolide and recovery of polymict breccia meteorites - old mystery solved after 20 years [2014A&A...570A..39S]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

3 record(s)

Harmanec, P.; Holmgren, D. E.; Wolf, M.; Božić, H.; Guinan, E. F.; Kang, Y. W.; Mayer, P.; McCook, G. P.; Nemravová, J.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.; Ruždjak, D.; Sudar, D.; Svoboda, P.: Revised physical elements of the astrophysically important O9.5+O9.5V eclipsing binary system Y Cygni [2014A&A...563A.120H]

Mayer, P.; Drechsel, H.; Irrgang, A.: New and revised parameters for several southern OB binaries [2014A&A...565A..86M]

Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.; Vraštil, J.; Liška, J.; Skarka, M.; Zejda, M.: Apsidal motion and a light curve solution for eighteen SMC eccentric eclipsing binaries [2014A&A...572A..71Z]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

2 record(s)

Török, G.; Urbanec, M.; Adámek, K.; Urbancová, G.: Appearance of innermost stable circular orbits of accretion discs around rotating neutron stars [2014A&A...564L...5T]

Kotrlová, A.; Török, G.; Šrámková, E.; Stuchlík, Z.: Super-spinning compact objects and models of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in Galactic microquasars [2014A&A...572A..79K]

UJEP Ústí nad Labem (University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně Ústí nad Labem)

1 record(s)

Varady, M.; Karlický, M.; Moravec, Z.; Kašparová, J.: Modifications of thick-target model: re-acceleration of electron beams by static and stochastic electric fields [2014A&A...563A..51V]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

5 record(s)

Krtička, J.: Mass loss in main-sequence B stars [2014A&A...564A..70K]

Paunzen, E.; Netopil, M.; Maitzen, H. M.; Pavlovski, K.; Schnell, A.; Zejda, M.: Photoelectric search for peculiar stars in open clusters. XV. Feinstein 1, NGC 2168, NGC 2323, NGC 2437, NGC 2547, NGC 4103, NGC 6025, NGC 6633, Stock 2, and Trumpler 2 [2014A&A...564A..42P]

Paunzen, E.; Iliev, I. Kh.; Fossati, L.; Heiter, U.; Weiss, W. W.: Investigating the possible connection between lambda Bootis stars and intermediate Population II type stars [2014A&A...567A..67P]

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.: Effect of rotational mixing and metallicity on the hot star wind mass-loss rates [2014A&A...567A..63K] Highlight

Kurfürst, P.; Feldmeier, A.; Krtička, J.: Time-dependent modeling of extended thin decretion disks of critically rotating stars [2014A&A...569A..23K]


32 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

17 record(s)

Kraus, M.; Oksala, M. E.; Nickeler, D. H.; Muratore, M. F.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Aret, A.; Cidale, L. S.; de Wit, W. J.: Molecular emission from GG Carinae's circumbinary disk [2013A&A...549A..28K]

Shrbený, L.; Spurný, P.: Determination of atmospheric velocity of bright meteors on the basis of high-resolution light curves [2013A&A...550A..31S]

Dzifčáková, E.; Karlický, M.; Dudík, J.: Dielectronic satellite lines and double layers in solar flares [2013A&A...550A..60D]

Karlický, M.; Mészárosová, H.; Jelínek, P.: Radio fiber bursts and fast magnetoacoustic wave trains [2013A&A...550A...1K]

Ehlerová, S.; Palouš, J.: HI shells in the Leiden/Argentina/Bonn HI survey [2013A&A...550A..23E ]

Gunár, S.; Mackay, D. H.; Anzer, U.; Heinzel, P.: Non-linear force-free magnetic dip models of quiescent prominence fine structures [2013A&A...551A...3G]

Karlický, M.: Radio continua modulated by waves: Zebra patterns in solar and pulsar radio spectra? [2013A&A...552A..90K]

Hamerský, J.; Karas, V.: Effect of the toroidal magnetic field on the runaway instability of relativistic tori [2013A&A...555A..32H]

Pecháček, T.; Goosmann, R. W.; Karas, V.; Czerny, B.; Dovčiak, M.: Hot-spot model for accretion disc variability as random process. II. Mathematics of the power-spectrum break frequency [2013A&A...556A..77P]

Jáchym, P.; Kenney, J. D. P.; Růžička, A.; Sun, M.; Combes, F.; Palouš, J.: Search for cold and hot gas in the ram pressure stripped Virgo dwarf galaxy IC 3418 [2013A&A...556A..99J]

Nickeler, D. H.; Karlický, M.; Wiegelmann, T.; Kraus, M.: Fragmentation of electric currents in the solar corona by plasma flows [2013A&A...556A..61N]

Štěpán, J.; Trujillo Bueno, J.: PORTA: A three-dimensional multilevel radiative transfer code for modeling the intensity and polarization of spectral lines with massively parallel computers [2013A&A...557A.143S]

Oksala, M. E.; Kraus, M.; Cidale, L. S.; Muratore, M. F.; Borges Fernandes, M.: Probing the ejecta of evolved massive stars in transition. A VLT/SINFONI K-band survey [2013A&A...558A..17O]

Šurlan, B.; Hamann, W.-R.; Aret, A.; Kubát, J.; Oskinova, L. M.; Torres, A. F.: Macroclumping as solution of the discrepancy between Halpha and P v mass loss diagnostics for O-type stars [2013A&A...559A.130S]

Bílek, M.; Jungwiert, B.; Jílková, L.; Ebrová, I.; Bartošková, K.; Křížek, M.: Testing MOND gravity in the shell galaxy NGC 3923 [2013A&A...559A.110B]

Hudec, R.; Bašta, M.; Pihajoki, P.; Valtonen, M.: The historical 1900 and 1913 outbursts of the binary blazar candidate OJ287 [2013A&A...559A..20H]

Sobotka, M.; Švanda, M.; Jurčák, J.; Heinzel, P.; Del Moro, D.; Berrilli, F.: Dynamics of the solar atmosphere above a pore with a light bridge [2013A&A...560A..84S]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

9 record(s)

Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.; Kučáková, H.; Lehký, M.; Svoboda, P.; Šmelcer, L.; Zejda, M.: Apsidal motion in five eccentric eclipsing binaries [2013A&A...549A.108W]

Mayer, P.; Harmanec, P.; Pavlovski, K.: HD 165246: an early-type binary with a low mass ratio [2013A&A...550A...2M]

Hanuš, J.; Ďurech, J.; Brož, M.; Marciniak, A.; Warner, B. D.; Pilcher, F.; Stephens, R.; Behrend, R.; Carry, B.; Čapek, D.; Antonini, P.; Audejean, M.; Augustesen, K.; Barbotin, E.; Baudouin, P.; Bayol, A.; Bernasconi, L.; Borczyk, W.; Bosch, J.-G.; Brochard, E.; Brunetto, L.; Casulli, S.; Cazenave, A.; Charbonnel, S.; Christophe, B.; Colas, F.; Coloma, J.; Conjat, M.; Cooney, W.; Correira, H.; Cotrez, V.; Coupier, A.; Crippa, R.; Cristofanelli, M.; Dalmas, Ch.; Danavaro, C.; Demeautis, C.; Droege, T.; Durkee, R.; Esseiva, N.; Esteban, M.; Fagas, M.; Farroni, G.; Fauvaud, M.; Fauvaud, S.; Del Freo, F.; Garcia, L.; Geier, S.; Godon, C.; Grangeon, K.; Hamanowa, H.; Hamanowa, H.; Heck, N.; Hellmich, S.; Higgins, D.; Hirsch, R.; Husárik, M.; Itkonen, T.; Jade, O.; Kamiński, K.; Kankiewicz, P.; Klotz, A.; Koff, R. A.; Kryszczynska, A.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Laffont, A.; Leroy, A.; Lecacheux, J.; Leonie, Y.; Leyrat, C.; Manzini, F.; Martin, A.; Masi, G.; Matter, D.; Michalowski, J.; Michalowski, M. J.; Michalowski, T.; Michelet, J.; Michelsen, R.; Morelle, E.; Mottola, S.; Naves, R.; Nomen, J.; Oey, J.; Ogloza, W.; Oksanen, A.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Pääkkönen, P.; Paiella, M.; Pallares, H.; Paulo, J.; Pavic, M.; Payet, B.; Polinska, M.; Polishook, D.; Poncy, R.; Revaz, Y.; Rinner, C.; Rocca, M.; Roche, A.; Romeuf, D.; Roy, R.; Saguin, H.; Salom, P. A.; Sanchez, S.; Santacana, G.; Santana-Ros, T.; Sareyan, J.-P.; Sobkowiak, K.; Sposetti, S.; Starkey, D.; Stoss, R.; Strajnic, J.; Teng, J.-P.; Trégon, B.; Vagnozzi, A.; Velichko, F. P.; Waelchli, N.; Wagrez, K.; Wücher, H.: Asteroids' physical models from combined dense and sparse photometry and scaling of the YORP effect by the observed obliquity distribution [2013A&A...551A..67H]

Brož, M.; Morbidelli, A.; Bottke, W. F.; Rozehnal, J.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Nesvorný, D.: Constraining the cometary flux through the asteroid belt during the late heavy bombardment [2013A&A...551A.117B]

Mészáros, A.; Řípa, J.: A curious relation between the flat cosmological model and the elliptic integral of the first kind [2013A&A...556A..13M]

Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.: Apsidal motion and absolute parameters for five LMC eccentric eclipsing binaries [2013A&A...558A..51Z]

Mayer, P.; Drechsel, H.; Harmanec, P.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.: The O-type eclipsing contact binary LY Aurigae - member of a quadruple system [2013A&A...559A..22M]

Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.: The first analysis of extragalactic binary-orbit precession [2013A&A...559A..41Z]

Hanuš, J.; Brož, M.; Ďurech, J.; Warner, B. D.; Brinsfield, J.; Durkee, R.; Higgins, D.; Koff, R. A.; Oey, J.; Pilcher, F.; Stephens, R.; Strabla, L. P.; Ulisse, Q.; Girelli, R.: An anisotropic distribution of spin vectors in asteroid families [2013A&A...559A.134H]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

1 record(s)

Stuchlík, Z.; Kotrlová, A.; Török, G.: Multi-resonance orbital model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations: possible high-precision determination of black hole and neutron star spin [2013A&A...552A..10S]

ÚFCh AV ČR Praha (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physical Chemistry)

1 record(s)

Civiš, S.; Ferus, M.; Chernov, V. E.; Zanozina, E. M.: Infrared transitions and oscillator strengths of Ca and Mg [2013A&A...554A..24C]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

4 record(s)

Skarka, M.: Known Galactic field Blazhko stars [2013A&A...549A.101S]

Kučerová, B.; Korčáková, D.; Polster, J.; Wolf, M.; Votruba, V.; Kubát, J.; Škoda, P.; Šlechta, M.; Křížek, M.: Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon. II. MWC 342 [2013A&A...554A.143K]

Krtička, J.; Janík, J.; Marková, H.; Mikulášek, Z.; Zverko, J.; Prvák, M.; Skarka, M.: Ultraviolet and visual flux and line variations of one of the least variable Bp stars HD 64740 [2013A&A...556A..18K]

Paunzen, E.; Mikulášek, Z.; Poleski, R.; Krtička, J.; Netopil, M.; Zejda, M.: The (non-)variability of magnetic chemically peculiar candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud [2013A&A...556A..12P]


34 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

15 record(s)

Sobotka, M.; Del Moro, D.; Jurčák, J.; Berrilli, F.: Magnetic and velocity fields of a solar pore [2012A&A...537A..85S]

Karlický, M.; Dzifčáková, E.; Dudík, J.: On the physical meaning of n-distributions in solar flares [2012A&A...537A..36K]

Kawka, A.; Vennes, S.: VLT/X-shooter observations and the chemical composition of cool white dwarfs [2012A&A...538A..13K]

Čapek, D.; Vokrouhlický, D.: Thermal stresses in small meteoroids. II. Effects of an insulating surface layer [2012A&A...539A..25C]

Heinzel, P.; Anzer, U.: Radiative equilibrium in solar prominences reconsidered [2012A&A...539A..49H]

Wünsch, R.; Jáchym, P.; Sidorin, V.; Ehlerová, S.; Palouš, J.; Dale, J.; Dawson, J. R.; Fukui, Y.: The Carina Flare. What can fragments in the wall tell us? [2012A&A...539A.116W] Highlight

Šimon, V.; Polášek, C.; Štrobl, J.; Hudec, R.; Blažek, M.: Cycles in the cataclysmic variable V795 Herculis [2012A&A...540A..15S]

Šurlan, B.; Hamann, W.-R.; Kubát, J.; Oskinova, L. M.; Feldmeier, A.: Three-dimensional radiative transfer in clumped hot star winds. I. Influence of clumping on the resonance line formation [2012A&A...541A..37S]

Vondrák, J.; Capitaine, N.; Wallace, P.: New precession expressions, valid for long time intervals (Corrigendum) [2012A&A...541C...1V]

Karlický, M.; Bárta, M.; Nickeler, D.: Fragmentation during merging of plasmoids in the magnetic field reconnection [2012A&A...541A..86K]

Kraus, M.; Tomić, S.; Oksala, M. E.; Smole, M.: Detection of a 1.59 h period in the B supergiant star HD 202850 [2012A&A...542L..32K]

Gunár, S.; Mein, P.; Schmieder, B.; Heinzel, P.; Mein, N.: Dynamics of quiescent prominence fine structures analyzed by 2D non-LTE modelling of the Halpha line [2012A&A...543A..93G]

Karlický, M.; Kontar, E. P.: Electron acceleration during three-dimensional relaxation of an electron beam-return current plasma system in a magnetic field [2012A&A...544A.148K]

Ebrová, I.; Jílková, L.; Jungwiert, B.; Křížek, M.; Bílek, M.; Bartošková, K.; Skalická, T.; Stoklasová, I.: Quadruple-peaked spectral line profiles as a tool to constrain gravitational potential of shell galaxies [2012A&A...545A..33E]

Koubský, P.; Kotková, L.; Votruba, V.; Šlechta, M.; Dvořáková, Š.: o Puppis: another Be+sdO binary? [2012A&A...545A.121K]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

7 record(s)

Nemravová, J.; Harmanec, P.; Koubský, P.; Miroshnichenko, A.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.; Buil, C.; Korčáková, D.; Votruba, V.: Properties and nature of Be stars. 29. Orbital and long-term spectral variations of gamma Cassiopeiae [2012A&A...537A..59N]

Zasche, P.; Svoboda, P.; Uhlař, R.: GK Bootis and AE Fornacis: two low-mass eclipsing binaries with dwarf companions [2012A&A...537A.109Z]

Pilarčík, L.; Wolf, M.; Dubovský, P. A.; Hornoch, K.; Kotková, L.: Period changes of the long-period cataclysmic binary EX Draconis [2012A&A...539A.153P]

Vokrouhlický, D.; Nesvorný, D.: Sun-grazing orbit of the unusual near-Earth object 2004 LG [2012A&A...541A.109V]

Zasche, P.; Uhlař, R.; Šlechta, M.; Wolf, M.; Harmanec, P.; Nemravová, J. A.; Korčáková, D.: Unique sextuple system: 65 Ursae Majoris [2012A&A...542A..78Z]

Zasche, P.; Paschke, A.: HS Hydrae about to turn off its eclipses [2012A&A...542L..23Z] Highlight

Ďurech, J.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Baransky, A. R.; Breiter, S.; Burkhonov, O. A.; Cooney, W.; Fuller, V.; Gaftonyuk, N. M.; Gross, J.; Inasaridze, R. Ya.; Kaasalainen, M.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Kvaratshelia, O. I.; Litvinenko, E. A.; Macomber, B.; Marchis, F.; Molotov, I. E.; Oey, J.; Polishook, D.; Pollock, J.; Pravec, P.; Sárneczky, K.; Shevchenko, V. G.; Slyusarev, I.; Stephens, R.; Szabó, Gy.; Terrell, D.; Vachier, F.; Vanderplate, Z.; Viikinkoski, M.; Warner, B. D.: Analysis of the rotation period of asteroids (1865) Cerberus, (2100) Ra-Shalom, and (3103) Eger - search for the YORP effect [2012A&A...547A..10D]

ostatní (other)

1 record(s)

Cagaš, P.; Pejcha, O.: Discovery of a double eclipsing binary with periods near a 3:2 ratio [2012A&A...544L...3C]

PřF JU České Budějovice (University of South Bohemia České Budějovice)

2 record(s)

Jelínek, P.; Karlický, M.: Magnetoacoustic waves in diagnostics of the flare current sheets [2012A&A...537A..46J]

Jelínek, P.; Karlický, M.; Murawski, K.: Magnetoacoustic waves in a vertical flare current-sheet in a gravitationally stratified solar atmosphere [2012A&A...546A..49J]

ÚFCh AV ČR Praha (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physical Chemistry)

3 record(s)

Civiš, S.; Ferus, M.; Kubelík, P.; Jelínek, P.; Chernov, V. E.: Potassium spectra in the 700-7000 cm-1 domain: Transitions involving f-, g-, and h-states [2012A&A...541A.125C]

Civiš, S.; Ferus, M.; Kubelík, P.; Jelínek, P.; Chernov, V. E.; Zanozina, E. M.: Na I spectra in the 1.4-14 micron range: transitions and oscillator strengths involving f-, g-, and h-states [2012A&A...542A..35C]

Civiš, S.; Ferus, M.; Kubelík, P.; Chernov, V. E.; Zanozina, E. M.: Li I spectra in the 4.65-8.33 micron range: high-Lstates and oscillator strengths [2012A&A...545A..61C]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

6 record(s)

Krtička, J.; Mikulášek, Z.; Lüftinger, T.; Shulyak, D.; Zverko, J.; Žižňovský, J.; Sokolov, N. A.: Modelling of the ultraviolet and visual SED variability in the hot magnetic Ap star CU Virginis [2012A&A...537A..14K]

Krejčová, T.; Budaj, J.: Evidence for enhanced chromospheric Ca II H and K emission in stars with close-in extrasolar planets [2012A&A...540A..82K]

Polster, J.; Korčáková, D.; Votruba, V.; Škoda, P.; Šlechta, M.; Kučerová, B.; Kubát, J.: Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon. I. V2028 Cygni [2012A&A...542A..57P]

Paunzen, E.; Netopil, M.; Rode-Paunzen, M.; Handler, G.; Božić, H.; Ruždjak, D.; Sudar, D.: The Hvar survey for roAp stars. I. The survey observations [2012A&A...542A..89P]

Paunzen, E.; Hermansson, L.; Holmström, P.: BVRI photometry of NGC 3231, NGC 7055, and NGC 7127 [2012A&A...542A..68P]

Zejda, M.; Paunzen, E.; Baumann, B.; Mikulášek, Z.; Liška, J.: Catalogue of variable stars in open cluster fields [2012A&A...548A..97Z]


24 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

14 record(s)

Mészárosová, H.; Rybák, J.; Karlický, M.: Separation of drifting pulsating structures in a complex radio spectrum of the 2001 April 11 event [2011A&A...525A..88M]

Gunár, S.; Heinzel, P.; Anzer, U.: Synthetic differential emission measure curves of prominence fine structures [2011A&A...528A..47G]

Koten, P.; Borovička, J.; Kokhirova, G. I.: Activity of the Leonid meteor shower on 2009 November 17 [2011A&A...528A..94K]

Korčáková, D.; Nagel, T.; Werner, K.; Suleimanov, V.; Votruba, V.: Influence of the velocity gradient on the line formation in discs of cataclysmic variables [2011A&A...529A.119K]

Karlický, M.; Jelínek, P.; Mészárosová, H.: Magnetoacoustic waves in the narrowband dm-spikes sources [2011A&A...529A..96K]

Berlicki, A.; Gunár, S.; Heinzel, P.; Schmieder, B.; Schwartz, P.: 2D radiative-magnetohydrostatic model of a prominence observed by Hinode, SoHO/SUMER and Meudon/MSDP [2011A&A...530A.143B]

Vandas, M.; Karlický, M.: Electron acceleration in a wavy shock front [2011A&A...531A..55V]

Dzifčáková, E.; Homola, M.; Dudík, J.: The ionization equilibrium and flare line spectra for the electron distribution with a power-law tail [2011A&A...531A.111D]

Dzifčáková, E.; Kulinová, A.: Diagnostics of the kappa-distribution using Si III lines in the solar transition region [2011A&A...531A.122D]

Jurčák, J.: Azimuthal variations of magnetic field strength and inclination on penumbral boundaries [2011A&A...531A.118J]

Kawka, A.; Vennes, S.: The cool magnetic DAZ white dwarf NLTT 10480 [2011A&A...532A...7K]

Kulinová, A.; Kašparová, J.; Dzifčáková, E.; Sylwester, J.; Sylwester, B.; Karlický, M.: Diagnostics of non-thermal distributions in solar flare spectra observed by RESIK and RHESSI [2011A&A...533A..81K]

Vondrák, J.; Capitaine, N.; Wallace, P.: New precession expressions, valid for long time intervals [2011A&A...534A..22V]

Gunár, S.; Parenti, S.; Anzer, U.; Heinzel, P.; Vial, J.-C.: Synthetic differential emission measure curves of prominence fine structures. II. The SoHO/SUMER prominence of 8 June 2004 [2011A&A...535A.122G]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

5 record(s)

Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.: V456 Ophiuchi and V490 Cygni: Systems with the shortest apsidal-motion periods [2011A&A...527A..43Z]

Mészáros, A.; Řípa, J.; Ryde, F.: Cosmological effects on the observed flux and fluence distributions of gamma-ray bursts: Are the most distant bursts in general the faintest ones? [2011A&A...529A..55M]

Hanuš, J.; Ďurech, J.; Brož, M.; Warner, B. D.; Pilcher, F.; Stephens, R.; Oey, J.; Bernasconi, L.; Casulli, S.; Behrend, R.; Polishook, D.; Henych, T.; Lehký, M.; Yoshida, F.; Ito, T.: A study of asteroid pole-latitude distribution based on an extended set of shape models derived by the lightcurve inversion method [2011A&A...530A.134H]

Chadima, P.; Harmanec, P.; Bennett, P. D.; Kloppenborg, B.; Stencel, R.; Yang, S.; Božić, H.; Šlechta, M.; Kotková, L.; Wolf, M.; Škoda, P.; Votruba, V.; Hopkins, J. L.; Buil, C.; Sudar, D.: Spectral and photometric analysis of the eclipsing binary ε Aurigae prior to and during the 2009-2011 eclipse [2011A&A...530A.146C]

Harmanec, P.; Božić, H.; Mayer, P.; Eenens, P.; Brož, M.; Wolf, M.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.; Ruždjak, D.; Sudar, D.; Ak, H.: V2368 Ophiuchi: an eclipsing and double-lined spectroscopic binary used as a photometric comparison star for U Ophiuchi [2011A&A...531A..49H]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

2 record(s)

Stuchlík, Z.; Kotrlová, A.; Török, G.: Resonant radii of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in Keplerian discs orbiting neutron stars [2011A&A...525A..82S]

Török, G.; Kotrlová, A.; Šrámková, E.; Stuchlík, Z.: Confronting the models of 3:2 quasiperiodic oscillations with the rapid spin of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 [2011A&A...531A..59T]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

3 record(s)

Krtička, J.; Owocki, S. P.; Meynet, G.: Mass and angular momentum loss via decretion disks [2011A&A...527A..84K]

Mikulášek, Z.; Krtička, J.; Henry, G. W.; Janík, J.; Zverko, J.; Žižňovský, J.; Zejda, M.; Liška, J.; Zvěřina, P.; Kudrjavtsev, D. O.; Romanyuk, I. I.; Sokolov, N. A.; Lüftinger, T.; Trigilio, C.; Neiner, C.; de Villiers, S. N.: Surprising variations in the rotation of the chemically peculiar stars CU Virginis and V901 Orionis [2011A&A...534L...5M]

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.: Improved velocity law parameterization for hot star winds [2011A&A...534A..97K]


25 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

13 record(s)

Vondrák, J.; Štefka, V.: The Earth Orientation Catalog 4 . An optical reference frame for monitoring Earth's orientation in the 20th century [2010A&A...509A...3V]

Šimon, V.; Polášek, C.; Jelínek, M.; Hudec, R.; Štrobl, J.: Complicated variations in the early optical afterglow of GRB 090726 [2010A&A...510A..49S]

Svoboda, J.; Guainazzi, M.; Karas, V.: Warm absorber and truncated accretion disc in IRAS 05078+1626 [2010A&A...512A..62S]

Šimon, V.: Echo outbursts in KS 1731-260 [2010A&A...513A..71S]

Gunár, S.; Schwartz, P.; Schmieder, B.; Heinzel, P.; Anzer, U.: Statistical comparison of the observed and synthetic hydrogen Lyman line profiles in solar prominences [2010A&A...514A..43G]

Karlický, M.; Bárta, M.; Rybák, J.: Radio spectra generated during coalescence processes of plasmoids in a flare current sheet [2010A&A...514A..28K]

Kawka, A.; Vennes, S.; Vaccaro, T. R.: The double degenerate system NLTT 11748 [2010A&A...516L...7K]

Koubský, P.; Hummel, C. A.; Harmanec, P.; Tycner, C.; van Leeuwen, F.; Yang, S.; Šlechta, M.; Božić, H.; Zavala, R. T.; Ruždjak, D.; Sudar, D.: Properties and nature of Be stars. 28. Implications of systematic observations for the nature of the multiple system with the Be star o Cassiopeæ and its circumstellar environment [2010A&A...517A..24K]

Kraus, M.; Borges Fernandes, M.; de Araújo, F. X.: Neutral material around the B[e] supergiant star LHA 115-S 65. An outflowing disk or a detached Keplerian rotating disk? [2010A&A...517A..30K]

Čapek, D.; Vokrouhlický, D.: Thermal stresses in small meteoroids [2010A&A...519A..75C]

Kubát, J.; Saad, S. M.; Kawka, A.; Nouh, M. I.; Iliev, L.; Uytterhoeven, K.; Korčáková, D.; Hadrava, P.; Škoda, P.; Votruba, V.; Dovčiak, M.; Šlechta, M.: Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847 [2010A&A...520A.103K]

Šimon, V.; Pizzichini, G.; Hudec, R.: Evolution of the color indices in SN 2006aj associated with GRB 060218 [2010A&A...523A..56S]

Jurčák, J.; Katsukawa, Y.: Temporal downflows in a penumbra [2010A&A...524A..21J]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

8 record(s)

Wolf, M.; Claret, A.; Kotková, L.; Kučáková, H.; Kocián, R.; Brát, L.; Svoboda, P.; Šmelcer, L.: Relativistic apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries [2010A&A...509A..18W]

Ďurech, J.; Sidorin, V.; Kaasalainen, M.: DAMIT: a database of asteroid models [2010A&A...513A..46D]

Wolf, M.; Kučáková, H.; Hynek, T.; Šmelcer, L.: The triple system AO Monocerotis [2010A&A...514A..75W]

Nemravová, J.; Harmanec, P.; Kubát, J.; Koubský, P.; Iliev, L.; Yang, S.; Ribeiro, J.; Šlechta, M.; Kotková, L.; Wolf, M.; Škoda, P.: Properties and nature of Be stars. 27. Orbital and recent long-term variations of the Pleiades Be star Pleione = BU Tauri [2010A&A...516A..80N]

Zasche, P.; Uhlař, R.: The triple system KR Comae Berenices [2010A&A...519A..78Z]

Mayer, P.; Harmanec, P.; Wolf, M.; Božić, H.; Šlechta, M.: Physical elements of the eclipsing binary delta Orionis [2010A&A...520A..89M]

Harmanec, P.; Aerts, C.; Prša, A.; Verhoelst, T.; Kolenberg, K.: V945 Centauri = HD 112409: a bright hot short-period binary in a triple system? [2010A&A...520A..73H]

Mayer, P.; Drechsel, H.; Kubát, J.; Šlechta, M.: The O-type eclipsing binary SZ Camelopardalis revisited [2010A&A...524A...1M]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

1 record(s)

Urbanec, M.; Török, G.; Šrámková, E.; Čech, P.; Stuchlík, Z.; Bakala, P.: Disc-oscillation resonance and neutron star QPOs: 3:2 epicyclic orbital model [2010A&A...522A..72U]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

3 record(s)

Mikulášek, Z.; Krtička, J.; Henry, G. W.; de Villiers, S. N.; Paunzen, E.; Zejda, M.: HR 7355 - another rapidly braking He-strong CP star? [2010A&A...511L...7M]

Krtička, J.; Votruba, V.; Kubát, J.: Weak wind effects in CNO driven winds of hot first stars [2010A&A...516A.100K]

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.: Comoving frame models of hot star winds. I. Test of the Sobolev approximation in the case of pure line transitions [2010A&A...519A..50K]


30 record(s)

AsÚ AV ČR Ondřejov (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute)

20 record(s)

Kraus, M.: The pre- versus post-main sequence evolutionary phase of B[e] stars. Constraints from 13CO band emission [2009A&A...494..253K]

Hadrava, P.: Notes on the disentangling of spectra. I. Enhancement in precision [2009A&A...494..399H]

Votruba, V.; Koubský, P.; Korčáková, D.; Hroch, F.: False periods in complex chaotic systems [2009A&A...496..217V]

Kašparová, J.; Karlický, M.: Kappa distribution and hard X-ray emission of solar flares [2009A&A...497L..13K]

Kraus, M.; Borges Fernandes, M.; Kubát, J.: Parameters of galactic early B supergiants. The influence of the wind on the interstellar extinction determination [2009A&A...499..291K]

Pecina, P.; Koten, P.: On the theory of light curves of video-meteors [2009A&A...499..313P]

Horák, J.; Abramowicz, M. A.; Kluźniak, W.; Rebusco, P.; Török, G.: Internal resonance in nonlinear disk oscillations and the amplitude evolution of neutron-star kilohertz QPOs [2009A&A...499..535H]

Netolický, M.; Bonneau, D.; Chesneau, O.; Harmanec, P.; Koubský, P.; Mourard, D.; Stee, P.: The circumbinary dusty disk around the hydrogen-deficient binary star upsilo Sagittarii [2009A&A...499..827N]

Kašparová, J.; Varady, M.; Heinzel, P.; Karlický, M.; Moravec, Z.: Response of optical hydrogen lines to beam heating. I. Electron beams [2009A&A...499..923K]

Jáchym, P.; Köppen, J.; Palouš, J.; Combes, F.: Ram pressure stripping of tilted galaxies [2009A&A...500..693J]

Stoklasová, I.; Ferruit, P.; Emsellem, E.; Jungwiert, B.; Pécontal, E.; Sánchez, S. F.: OASIS integral-field spectroscopy of the central kpc in 11 Seyfert 2 galaxies [2009A&A...500.1287S]

Mészárosová, H.; Karlický, M.; Rybák, J.; Jiřička, K.: ``Drifting tadpoles'' in wavelet spectra of decimetric radio emission of fiber bursts [2009A&A...502L..13M]

Sobotka, M.; Puschmann, K. G.: Morphology and evolution of umbral dots and their substructures [2009A&A...504..575S]

Karlický, M.; Kašparová, J.: Electron beam - plasma system with the return current and directivity of its X-ray emission [2009A&A...506.1437K]

Shrbený, L.; Spurný, P.: Precise data on Leonid fireballs from all-sky photographic records [2009A&A...506.1445S]

Kawka, A.; Vennes, S.: A new extremely low-mass white dwarf in the NLTT catalogue [2009A&A...506L..25K]

Svoboda, J.; Dovčiak, M.; Goosmann, R.; Karas, V.: Role of emission angular directionality in spin determination of accreting black holes with a broad iron line [2009A&A...507....1S]

Hadrava, P.; Šlechta, M.; Škoda, P.: Notes on disentangling of spectra. II. Intrinsic line-profile variability due to Cepheid pulsations [2009A&A...507..397H]

Borovička, J.; Charvát, Z.: Meteosat observation of the atmospheric entry of 2008 TC3 over Sudan and the associated dust cloud [2009A&A...507.1015B] Highlight

Vennes, S.; Kawka, A.; Vaccaro, T. R.; Silvestri, N. M.: The double degenerate LP 400-22 revisited [2009A&A...507.1613V]

AÚ MFF UK Praha (Charles University Praha, Astronomical Institute)

6 record(s)

Ďurech, J.; Kaasalainen, M.; Warner, B. D.; Fauerbach, M.; Marks, S. A.; Fauvaud, S.; Fauvaud, M.; Vugnon, J.-M.; Pilcher, F.; Bernasconi, L.; Behrend, R.: Asteroid models from combined sparse and dense photometric data [2009A&A...493..291D]

Šubr, L..; Schovancová, J.; Kroupa, P.: The warped young stellar disc in the Galactic centre [2009A&A...496..695S]

Řípa, J.; Mészáros, A.; Wigger, C.; Huja, D.; Hudec, R.; Hajdas, W.: Search for gamma-ray burst classes with the RHESSI satellite [2009A&A...498..399R]

Wolf, M.: On the apsidal motion of MY Cygni [2009A&A...498..821W]

Huja, D.; Mészáros, A.; Rípa, J.: A comparison of the gamma-ray bursts detected by BATSE and Swift [2009A&A...504...67H]

Vokrouhlický, D.; Ďurech, J.; Michalowski, T.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Gaftonyuk, N. M.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Colas, F.; Lecacheux, J.; Molotov, I.; Slyusarev, I.; Polińska, M.; Nesvorný, D.; Beshore, E.: Datura family: the 2009 update [2009A&A...507..495V]

Slezská Univerzita Opava (Silesian University Opava)

1 record(s)

Török, G.: Reversal of the amplitude difference of kHz QPOs in six atoll sources [2009A&A...497..661T]

ÚTFA PřF MU Brno (Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science)

3 record(s)

Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.: CNO-driven winds of hot first stars [2009A&A...493..585K]

Krtička, J.; Mikulášek, Z.; Henry, G. W.; Zverko, J.; Žižňovský, J.; Skalický, J.; Zvěřina, P.: The nature of the light variability of the silicon star HR 7224 [2009A&A...499..567K] Highlight

Krtička, J.; Feldmeier, A.; Oskinova, L. M.; Kubát, J.; Hamann, W.-R.: X-ray emission from hydrodynamical simulations in non-LTE wind models [2009A&A...508..841K]

Last update: 22.11.2016 copyright © Jiří Kubát (web page), Lenka Kotková (publications database)