

Mrázek Jakub, Ing., PhD.

Profession:vědecký pracovník
Telephone: +420 267 090 506
Mobile phone:
Department: Laboratory of Anaerobic Microbiology
Building: Praha-Krč/
Institutional service phone:

Curriculum vitae:


master’s level studies at the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague. Field: biochemistry


Graduate research student at IAPG CAS, Prague


Ph.D. studies at Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague. Field: microbiology


postgraduate researcher at IAPG CAS, Prague

PhD thesis: Ecology of butyrate producing bacteria


postdoctoral researcher at IAPG CAS, Prague


staff researcher at IAPG CAS, Prague


Main area of interest is the study of bacterial, archeal and fungal diversity of human and animal digestive tract. Research topics include microbiome description of patients with inflammation diseases (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis), therapy influence (fecal and liver transplantation) and also influence of food additives (chitosan) on human microbiome. Another research topic is based on nutrition studies of farm animals, where we monitor the changes of intestinal microflora under different diet conditions. We have also recently focused on description of biowaste microbiome with aim to improve biogas production by modifying microbiome composition. Another research topis is the description of new bacterial and fungal taxons and their phylogenetic affiliation.

To solve these topics we use methods of molecular biology: PCR-DGGE, quantitative PCR, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing on Ion Torrent platform.


        Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology

Internship abroad:


Slovak Academy of Sciences, IAP, Košice, Slovak republic


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Biotechnology, Domžale, Slovenia


Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK


Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK

Foreign cooperation

Ljubljana University, Domžale, Slovinia: taxonomy of butarate-producing bacteria

Slovak academy of sciences, ÚFHG, Košice, Slovakia: restriction endonucleases of butyrate producing bacteria

Rowet Research Institute, Aberdeen, GB: natural transformation of anaerobic bacteria

Aberystwyth University, Wales: taxonom of anaerobic fungi

Innsbruck University, Austria: biogas production

Mendoza Univerzita, Argentina: analysis of goat digestive tract microbiom



Kopečný J, Marinšek-Logar R, Zorec M, Mrázek J, Kobayashi Y (2003) Butyrivibrio hungatei sp. nov., and Pseudobutyrivibrio xylanivorans sp. nov., butyrate-producing bacteria from the rumen. Int J Syst Evol Micr 53 (1): 201-209

2005               Mrázek J., Piknová M., Pristaš P., Kopečný J.: Occurence of restriction-modification systems in ruminal butyrate-producing bacteria. Anaerobe 11:280-284.
2008 Scott K.P., Martin J.C., Mrazek J., Flint H.J.: Transfer of conjugative elements from rumen and human Firmicutes bakteria to Roseburia inulinivorans. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74 (12):3915-3917.
  Mrázek J., Štrosová L., Fliegerová K., Kott T., Kopečný J.: Diversity of Insect Intestinal Microflora. Folia Microbiol. 53 (3):229-233.

Killer J, Kopecny J, Mrázek J,Rada V, Benada O, Koppová I, Havlík J, Straka J (2009) Bifidobacterium bombi sp. nov., from the bumblebee digestive tract. Int J Syst Evol Micr 59 (8): 2020-2024

2010 Mrázek J., Koppová I., Kopečný J., Šimůnek J., Fliegerová K.: PCR-DGGE-based study of fecal microbial stability during the long-term chitosan supplementation of humans. Folia Microbiol. 55 (4):352-358.

Zakostelska Z, Kverka M, Klimesova K, Rossman P, Mrazek J, Kopecny J, Hornova M, Srutkova D, Hudcovic D, Ridl J, Tlaskalova-Hogenova H  (2011) Lysate of probiotic Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 ameliorates colitis by strengthening the gut barrier function and changing the gut microenvironment. PLoS ONE 6 (11) , art. no. e27961

  Kverka M., Zakostelska Z., Klimesova K., Sokol D., Hudcovic T., Hrncir T., Rossmann P., Mrazek J., Kopecny J., Verdu E.F., Tlaskalova-Hogenova H.: Oral administration of Parabacteroides distasonis antigens attenuates experimental murine colitis through modulation of immunity and microbiota composition. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 163 (2):250-259.

Vlčková K, Mrázek J, Kopečný J, Petrželková KJ (2012) Evaluation of different storage methods to characterize the fecal bacterial communities of captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla). J Microbiol Methods 91 (1): 45-51


Prochazka J, Fliegerová K, Mrázek J, Štrosová L, Zábranská J, Dohányos M  (2012) Enhanced biogas yield from energy crops with rumen anaerobic fungi. Eng Life Sci 12 (3): 343-351


Michiels J, Skrivanova E, Missotten J, Ovyn A, Mrazek J, De Smet S, Dierick N  (2012) Intact brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) in diets of weaned piglets: effects on performance, gut bacteria and morphology and plasma oxidative status. J Anim Phys Anim Nutr 96 (6): 1101-1111


Čermáková J, Mrázek J, Fliegerová K, Tenkrát D (2012) Replacing natural gas by biogas - determining the bacterial contamination of biogas by PCR. Acta Polytech 52 (4): 33-38


Klimesova K, Kverka M, Zakostelska Z, Hudcovic T, Hrncir T, Stepanova R, Rossmann P, Ridl J, Kostovcik M, Mrazek J, Kopecny J, Kobayashi KS, Tlaskalova-Hogenova H  (2013) Altered gut microbiota promotes colitis-associated cancer in IL-1 receptor-associated kinase M-deficient mice. Inflam Bowel Dis. 19 (6): 1266-1277


Fliegerova K, Tapio I, Bonin A, Mrazek J, Callegari ML, Bani P, Bayat A, Vilkki J, Kopecny J, Shingfield KJ, Boyer F, Coissac E, Taberlet P, Wallace JR (2014) Effect of DNA extraction and sample preservation method on rumen bacterial population. Anaerobe 29: 80-84


Pechar R, Rada V, Parafati L, Musilova S, Bunesova V, Vlkova E, Mrazek J, Kmet V, Svejstil R (2014) Mupirocin-mucin agar for selective enumeration of Bifidobacterium bifidum. Int J Food Microbiol 191: 32-35



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