The Politics of Imagination: Surrealism as a Revolutionary Project
Michał Rauszer, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Science
Pořádá Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie
FLÚ AV ČR, Jilská 1, Praha 1
- Anotace
The aim of this presentation is to show how practice based on the imagination can influence social change. My point of departure is the works of well-known Czech surrealist Vratislav Effenberger. In his writings, he shows that the imagination, as a part of the area of art, is able to transform our social reality if expanded to all social and cultural practices. During my presentation, I would like to have a look at the "ontology" of the imaginary both in the early avant-garde movements and their "revolutions," and in the so-called linguistic turn. The crucial part of my analysis will be focused on the question of how the imaginary can be a part of the reproduction of class society and how this reproduction can be transcended. With regard to the former (the reproduction of class society), I will refer to the reaction to the present refugee crisis; with regard to the latter (the transcendence of that reproduction), I will refer to the work of the imaginary in the Zapatist revolution.
The lecture will be given under the auspices of the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship.