Saturday, 7 01 2017

Last update06.01 16:36

* Environment in the Czech Republic


On a regular basis, the Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění (Public Opinion Research Centre) asks questions relating to the environment several times a year. A part of the questions focuses on the behaviour of respondents and their households, to what degree they themselves try to do well to the environment and whether at all they think that such efforts may have any meaning. Other...

On a regular basis, the Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění (Public Opinion Research Centre) asks questions relating to the environment several times a year. A part of the questions focuses on the behaviour of respondents and their households, to what degree they themselves try to do well to the environment and whether at all they think that such efforts may have any meaning. Other questions deal with assessing activities of various institutions active in environmental protection and, in general, the behaviour of companies, residents and legislation. I would like to focus on the second group of questions in my article.

Based on results from the October research, 53% of residents are satisfied with the environment in the Czech Republic and 44% are not satisfied. People evaluate the condition of the environment in the place of their residence more positively. 69% express satisfaction with the environment and 30% of residents voiced dissatisfaction in this respect.

Residents from small villages of population up to 1,000 and people living the South Bohemia, Olomouc, Central Bohemia and Southern Moravia regions tend to be satisfied with the environment more frequently. To the contrary, dissatisfaction reigns among the Prague residents, people living in the Ústecký and Moravia-Silesia regions. Also, people living in towns with population of 50,000 to 100,000 are less satisfied.

Satisfaction with the environment (both in their residence and in the Czech Republic as a whole) is linked to the living standard of respondents – those who assess their standard of living as good tend to be more satisfied with the environment and, on the other hand – people who are not very well off in their own opinion, tend to assess the environment rather negatively. A similar connection can be found for overall satisfaction with life – those satisfied with their own life express higher satisfaction with the environment.


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