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prof. Ing. František Maršík, DrSc.

Phone +420 266 053 322 E-mail marsik@it.cas.cz Room M2503 Department Department D 2 - Thermodynamics Position member of the Institute Board Research area non-equilibrium thermodynamics, continuum thermodynamics, biothermodynamics
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Ing. František Maršík, DrSc. was born on 17th October 1942 in Humpolec, Czech Republic.

1961 – 1967 Faculty of Nuclear and Technical Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague
1967 joined the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy o Sciences (IT CAS)
1974 CSc., dissertation thesis on "The application of non-equilibrium thermodynamics methods to the compressible fluid flow past body"
1990 – 2003 Head of Dept. of Thermodynamics IT CAS
1991 DrSc., thesis on "The influence of dissipative processes on the stability of stress and velocit fields in solids and fluids"
1994 Assoc. Prof., habilitation thesis on "Fluid flow of heterogeneous mixtures with relaxation processes"
1999 – present Professor in Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics at Czech Technical University and Charles University in Prague
1992 – 2006 Member of the Scientific Board of the IT CAS
2011 – present Head of Department of Polymer technologies of New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia

Stays abroad
Since 2008Frequent visits to Technische Universität Stuttgart (close long-term collaboration, co-supervisor of Diploma and PhD students)
1989, 1992, 1993MPI für Strömungsforchung, Göttingen, Germany (3 and 1 months, EU project 3 months)
1981, 1983Université Libre de Bruxelles (Dept. of Prof. I. Prigogine), Belgium (1 and 2 months)
1971Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer USSR in Minsk, Belarus (3 months)
Scientific societies
2005–2006 President of the IAPWS, member of the Czech Society of Biomechanics, 2010 elected to the World Council for Biomechanics, member of the Scientific Boards of two Czech Universities. Member of the scientific committees of many international conferences.

Professional interest
The irreversible thermodynamics and its applications to the problems of the phase transition kinetics, thermo-hydrodynamic stability of fluids and Hydrogen fuel cells. In the years 1975 to 1992 he was involved in the fluid flow analysis of the steam turbine blades of the company SKODA POWER. Besides this problem, he is well interested in the bio-thermodynamics, especially in the muscle energetic, bone remodelling, cartilage cultivation and in the hemodynamics of the human cardiovascular system.

The František Križík Honorary Medal for Merit in Technical Sciences and for Implementation of Results of Scientific Research (awarded in 2014)

Projects (last 5 years)
1M06031 (MŠMT) Materials and components for environment protection,
GA106/08/0557 Material properties of veins and their remodelling,
GA106/09/1573 Nickel-titanium alloys, shape memory, phase transformation, properties, biocompatibility.
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications

Author or co-author of more than 15 research reports, more than 135 papers published in various journals or conference proceedings.


František Maršík, Ivan Dvořák: Biotermodynamika, Academia Praha, 1998, (in Czech)
František Maršík: Termodynamika kontinua,  Academia Praha, 1999, (in Czech)

Selected papers (2010 – present)
Pavelka, M., Klika, V., Vágner, P., Maršík, F., Generalization of Exergy Analysis, Applied Energy 137 (2015), pp. 158-172

M. Pavelka, F. Maršik, V. Klika: Consistent theory of mixtures on different levels of description, International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 192–217

V. Beran, M. Sedláček, Maršík F.: A new bladeless hydraulic turbine, Applied Energy 104 (2013) 978–983

Pavelka, M., Maršík, F., Detailed thermodynamic analysis of PEM fuel cells, Int. J. Hydrogen En. 38 (2013), pp. 7102-7113

Fedorchenko, A. I. ; Maršík, F.; Trávníček, Z. On the effective temperature concept for liquid: Paradox of the similarity?. International Communications on Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, Roč. 38, č. 7, s. 852-854. ISSN 0735-1933. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735193311000959

Bougherara, H. ; Klika, Václav ; Maršík, František ; Mařík, I. ; Yahia, L.H. New predictive model for monitoring bone remodeling. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A, 2010, 95A, č. 1, s. 9-24. ISSN 1549-3296.

Klika V., Maršík F.: A thermodynamic model of bone remodelling: the influence of dynamic loading together with biochemical controlJ Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2010; 10(3):220-230

Selected papers (before 2010)

Klika V., Maršík F.:  Coupling Effect between Mechanical Loading and Chemical Reactions, J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 14689-14697, 2009.

Maršík F. et al.: Remodelling of living bone induced by dynamic loading and drug delivery—Numerical modelling and clinical treatment, Math. Comput. Simul., doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2009.02.014, 2009.

Němec T., Maršík F., Mičan O.: The characteristic thickness of polymer electrolyte membrane and the efficiency of fuel cell, Heat Transfer Eng., 30(7), 2009.

Maršík F. et al.: Binary Homogeneous Nucleation in Selected Aqueous Vapor Mixtures, J. Sol. Chem., doi:10.1007/s10953-008-9337-4, 2008.

Němec T., Maršík F., Palmer D. A.: Binary nucleation of water and sodium chloride, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 044509, 2006.

Maršík F., Mařík I., Klika V.: Chemistry of bone remodelling processes, Locomotor System 12 (1+2), 51-61, 2005.

Maršík F., Převorovská S., Brož Z., Štembera V.: Numerical model of the human cardiovascular system - Korotkoff sound simulation, Cardiovascular Engineering: An International Journal 4 (2), 194-199, 2004.

Delale C.F., Hrubý J., Maršík F.: Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Liquids: The Classical Theory Revised, J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2), 792-806, 2003.

Maršík F., Mejsnar J.: The Balance of Entropy Underlying Muscle Performance, J. Noneq. Thermodynamics, 19, 197-216, 1994.

2013-2016 TA03030978Výzkum a vývoj bezprodlevového hydraulického tlumiče
2009-2012 GA106/09/1573Nickel-titanum alloys, shape memory, phase transformation, properties, biocompatibility
2009-2009 HYTEP
2008-2011 GA106/08/0557Material properties of veins and their remodelling
2006-2011 1M06031Materials and components for environment protection
2005-2007 GA101/05/2536Non-equilibrium steam flow
2005-2007 GA101/05/2537Stability of shear flow with strong temperature and density gradients
2005-2006 1P05ME726Investigation of two-phase flow and pollutant emission control
2004-2005 GA202/04/1341Generování a distribuce vorticity ve volném proudu plazmatu
2004-2007 1P04LA214International collaboration on research of properties of water and water mixtures-IAPWS
2003-2005 GA106/03/1073Application of shape memory alloys for blood vessel replacements
2003-2005 GA106/03/0958Application of tissue biofluidics in the innovation of biomaterials
2003-2004 ME 710Condensation kinetics in flowing steam and steam mixtures and multiple flow in CFB boilers
2002-2004 GA101/02/0364Steam flow with gas and solid particle admixtures
2000-2004 IBS2076003Suppression of onset and effects of cavitation in hydrodynamic mechines
1999-2001 GA101/99/0059Stabilita a bistabilita proudění s vírovými strukturami
1999-2001 GA101/99/0625Proudění stlačitelné tekutiny s interakcí homogenní a heterogenní kondenzace
Supervisor of more than 30 doctoral theses.

Continuum Thermodynamics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (1999 – 2013)
Biothermodynamics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (1999 – present)

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