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Přednáška Ksenije Tverjanovičé "Rhythmical Composition in Lyrical Verse"  
Tuesday, 16. September 2014, 13:00


16. září 2014 od 13:00 v zasedací místnosti Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR proslovila Ksenija Tverjanovičová přednášku "Rhythmical Composition in Lyrical Verse".

After B. I. Jarho, M. L. Gasparov et al. verse is considered as a multilevel system where rhythm manifests itself in the arrangement of sounds, accents, parts of speech, syntactic structures, tropes and figures, images and motives. The objective is to study correlations between different levels. The presentation provides a brief summary of the problem, proposes a possible approach towards formalization of the rhythm of images and poses a number of methodological and other questions for further discussion.