Saturday, 7 01 2017

Last update06.01 16:36

Popularity of Top Politicians

Popularity of Top Politicians

In April survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were a shown a list of names of 25 represantatives of Parties presented in Chamber of Deputies . There were also included names of electoral candidates – Party leaders (Parties that appear at least in research of Party preferences )

Among Party representatives Bohuslav Sobotka enjoys the highest trust expressed by 43 % of czech citizens. Second place is occupied by prime minister Jiří Paroubek (42% of trustees). They are followed by ODS politicians, city mayor of Prague Pavel Bém and Party leader Mirek Topolánek (39% and 34%). The third of respondents trust foreign minister Cyril Svoboda (33%). Vice-chief of ODS Bendl, leader of Greens Bursík and leader of KDU-ČSL Kalousek are trusted by 28% of respondents. Almost a quarter of respondents (24% and 27) find these policians trustworthy : vice-chiefs of ODS Petr Nečas, Miroslava Němcová and Ivan Langer, minister of Transportation Šimonovský and 1. vice chief of KDU-ČSL Jan Kasal, leader of KSČM Vojtěch Filip and electoral candidate – leader of SNK- ED Josef Zieleniec.

In comparism to results of previous survey trust in any politicians has dropped with the exception of minister Svoboda (-4% points). On contrary there was evidential trust increase at minister Bohuslav Sobotka (+8% points), ODS leader Topolánek (+5% points) and leader of KDU ČSL Kalousek (6% points).

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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