Saturday, 7 01 2017

Last update06.01 16:36

On how the electorate decides

In its post-election survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre posed a few questions examining the decision-making process of voters. More than a fifth of voters made their decision to vote shortly before the election. A further 11% say to have made their decision in the course of May, i.e. approximately a month before the election. An overwhelming majority of voters - 62% - decided (not) to vote well in advance. More than a month before the election, almost two thirds of the electorate (64%) knew which party to vote for. A further 14% made their decision during May. The remaining voters – over a fifth – made their decision as late as a few hours before voting. Compared to the decision-making before the 1998 election to the Chamber of Deputies, there were now more voters who decided in advance. 43% of respondents made use of the possibility to mark several candidates and thus give them preferential votes. The vast majority of those polled - 85% - did not consider voting any other party.


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