Saturday, 7 01 2017

Last update06.01 16:36

Public evaluation of election campaign

In May survey we asked respondents about their opinion of current election campaign. A half of respondents dislike current election campaign (answers I definitely dislike and I rather dislike), almost a third of respondents does not watch election campaign and 15 % of people said they like it. (answers I definitely like and I rather like).

Respondents also talked about their attitude to election campaign of some Parties. The election campaigns of ČSSD and ODS were negatively accepted by 41 % Czech citizens and KDU ČSL (34 %). The election campaign of Greens was positively evaluated by 34 % of addresed citizens (answers I definitely like and I rather like), it is followed by ODS and ČSSD (both 28 %). The election campaign of SNK ED is not well known among Czechs when 57 % of respondents do not watch or know campaign of this Party. A half of respondents does not know or watch the election campaign of NEZ-DEM (chairman V. Zelezny). Detailed results are in the table.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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