Saturday, 7 01 2017

Last update06.01 16:36

Confidence in selected institutions in the Czech Republic and other countries of Visegrad Group

As a part of December public opinion survey made by CVVM there was a question investigating confidence in selected public institutions. Media (radio 70 %, TV 64 %, press 57 % - number of answers definitely trust and rather trust) and Army (63 %) enjoy the highest level of trust expressed by Czechs. More than a half of respondents trust to Justice (51 % of trustees). The number of those who trust in other institutions is lower than number of those who express their distrust into these institutions. Political Parties are found the least trustworthy, when currently four fifths of people distrust to them ( they are trusted only by almost every tenth Czech citizen). More than a half of citizens do not confide in Churches (55 %) and Police (51 %). The same number of people who trust and distrust belongs to labour unions (34 % and 35 %), almost a third of Czechs was not able to say whether they trust or not to labour unions and they chose the answer – I do not know.

Same research was executed by Polish, Slovakian and Hungarian agencies for public opinion research, those are together with CVVM members of CEORG organization. In comparism to results of research it is proved that the highest level of trust to Justice, Government, Local Councils, Police, Parliament and Political Parties was expressed by people in Hungary. Poles mostly confide in Churches and Czechs as well as Slovaks find the president most trustworthy.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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