Historie výzkumných projektů

Group of thermodynamics

Determination of the phase and state behaviour of fluids and fluid mixtures for processes at superambient conditions: molecular-based theory and experiment
(2007–2011, K. Aim, supported by Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences CR, grant No. IAA400720710)

EFCE Working Party „Fluid Separations“
(2007–2010, M. Bendová, supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport CR, grant No. INGO LA 320)

Novel technology of preparation of molecularly imprinted polymeric materials (cooperation with Croatian project)
(2008–2014, I. Wichterle, supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia, grant No. 061-0-3029)

State behaviour of liquid mixtures modelling biofuels – experimental determination, correlation and prediction
(2009–2011, J. Linek, supported by Grant Agency CR, grant No. GA104/09/0666)

High pressure phase equilibria and p–V–T behaviour
(2009–2011, Z. Sedláková, supported by Grant Agency CR, grant No. GA203/09/P141)

Phase equilibria for energy efficient separation processes
(2011, I. Wichterle, supported by ICPF)

EFCE Working Party „Fluid Separations“
(2012–2014, M. Bendová, supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport CR, grant No. INGO LG12032)

Database of physico-chemical data of liquid biofuels
(2012, Z. Sedláková, supported by ICPF)

Thermochemical properties of selected bisimidic ionic liquids
(2012, Z. Wagner, supported by ICPF)

Phase equilibria for energy efficient separation and transport processes
(2012, I. Wichterle, supported by ICPF)

Vapour − liquid equilibrium – measurement and data processing
(2013, I. Wichterle, supported by ICPF)

Excess molar volumes and excess molar enthalpies in binary systems N-alkyl-triethyl-ammonium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide + methanol
(2013, M. Bendová, joint project with QUILL Belfast, UK and Laboratory of Thermophysics, Department of Applied Physics, Universidade de Vigo, supported by ICPF)

Group of Membrane Separation Processes

Study of polymeric membrane swelling and make use of this effect for increasing its permeability
(2009-2012, P. Uchytil, joint project with IMC, supported by Grant Agency of Academy of Sciences CR, grant no. GA104/09/1165)

Liquid layers immobilized between nanoparticles-filled membranes for gas separation
(2010-2011, P. Uchytil, joint project with National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, supported by Czech Academy of Sciences and by National Science Council of Taiwan, project No. P106/10/J038)

Mass transport during membrane permeation and pervaporation
(2007-2011, P. Uchytil, joint project with University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. ME 889)

Flow of saturated vapors through porous membranes
(2012-2013, J. Řezníčková, joint project with Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Wärmeübertragung Technische Universität Wien; supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, MOBILITY, project No. 7AMB12AT010)

Ionic membranes for selective separation of liquid mixtures by pervaporation
(1/2008-12/2011, P. Izák, supported by Czech Science Foundation, grant No. GA104/08/0600)

Separation of volatile organic compounds from air
(1/2010-12/2013, P. Izák, supported by Czech Science Foundation, grant No. P106/10/1194)

Consulting work for biogas separation plant
(1/2009-12/2009, P. Izák, supported by company Česká hlava, s.r.o. – SOD project No. ER-TI1/245)

The cleaning of biogas from sewerage plants, by supported ionic liquid membrane
(1/2009-12/2011, P. Izák, supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, project No. ER-TI1/245)

Consulting work in the design and construction of model equipment for cleaning biogas
(1/2011-12/2012, P. Izák, supported by company Česká hlava, s.r.o. – SOD project No. ER-TI1/245)

Group of Supercritical and High-pressure Fluid Processes

Supramolecular materials based on natural phytosterols for application in biology
(2006–2011, H. Sovová, joint project with Institute of experimental Botany AS CR, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague / Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, and Chemispol, spol. s r.o., supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport CR, grant No. 2B06024)

Optimisation of Supercritical Fluid Extraction for Maximal Yield of Biologically Active Substances from Plants
(2006–2011, H. Sovová, joint project with Crop Research Institute and AGRA GROUP a.s., supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport CR, grant No. 2B06049)

Determination of biological activity and chemical composition of selected tropical and subtropical Ranunculaceae species
(2008–2010, H. Sovová, joint project with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague / Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, supported by Grant Agency CR, grant No. GA525/08/1179)

Research and development of new products for complex protection of plants based on natural substances obtained using supercritical fluid extraction and hydrodistillation
(2011–2014, M. Sajfrtová, joint project with Crop Research Institute and MATOUŠEK CZ a.s., supported by Technology Agency CR, grant No. TA01010578)

Group of Liquid-liquid Extraction

Refining of Wood Extracts of Siberia’s Fir
(1/2010-12/2012, A. Heyberger, SOD project No. 19/2011 Favea Europe, s.r.o)

Design and construction of extraction unit for recovery of luminophors from compact fluorecsent lamps (CFL) – 2 joint projects
Safina, a. s. Vestec; University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Chemical Engineering, Durban, South Africa)

Group of Flow Hydrodynamics, Mathematical Modelling and Microtechnology

Flexible, fast and future production processes - F3 Factory
(2009 – 2013, V. Jiřičný, 7th FP collaborative project, supported by EU under Contract No CP-IP 228867-2 F3 Factory)

Integrated Multiscale Process Units with Locally Structured Elements - IMPULSE
(2005 -2009, J. Hanika, V. Jiřičný, J. Drahoš, 6. FP integrated project, supported by EU under Contract No.: 011816-2)

Chemical degradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(2009-2010, V. Jiřičný, supported by GA CR, project No. GA104/09/0880)

Hydrodynamic study of the downward annular gas-liquid flow under the pilot plant operating conditions.
(2013-2014, J. Křišťál contract research supported by Procter&Gamble, Brussels, Belgium)